Saturday, 29 June 2019

NZ Lolly Cake

This refrigerator cake  is popular in New Zealand and made with ingredients I recognise by sight and taste.  The cake itself is not one I remember my mother making but it is very similar to one I make with my grandchildren.  We call it 'mosaic' here.

I made a greek/NZ version for grandson Dimitris, commonly known as Jamie (amongst other names!)

The original NZ version is made with eskimo lollies (sweets), a NZ classic.  I ate eskimo lollies when I was a child and I always chew my way through a packet ( biting the head off first) when I'm visiting.  They are like a chewy marshmallow in the shape of a little eskimo (probably not racially-correct sweets today but they are eons old, way before 'correctness' came into fashion).

I used chopped up marshmallow smurfs, or stroumfakia, as they are known here.  

My foolproof mix is -
Melt 120 grams of margarine (or butter)
with a tin of condensed milk
Melt the margarine slowly and stir till the condensed milk is well combined to make a thick sweet gooey mixture

Break up a packet and a half of biscuits.  NZers use malt biscuits.  We normally make it with 'Petite Beurre', a greek classic, but this time I used chocolate biscuits.  Some of them I just break up, some I whizz into crumbs.

Combine the two mixes and add a packet of your children's favourite chopped up lollies.  Maltesers would be good 

Some add walnuts or raisins.  Not popular in this family.

To be NZ-ly correct you should shape this into a log and roll it in coconut.  I just put it into a loaf tin and stuck it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

In a more adult version you would add a good slurp of liqueur or brandy.  Once I made brownies with chopped up mars bars.  You can imagine how sweet and sickly that was.  I didn't actually eat any and I'm not sure my daughter let her kids eat much either.

Although I have been reading recently the theory that sugar makes kids suddenly become hyperactive kangaroos is an urban myth.


  1. Oh, it sounds heavenly, but I think I would put on another 14lbs just by looking at it!

    1. Easy dessert for young active kids. They run off all those calories in a matter of minutes

  2. Gosh I haven't lolly cake for a few years, it's always been to sweet for my liking and I've always been a k-bar sort of girl rather than eskimos.

    1. It is far too sweet but you eat very small pieces!!

  3. Looks interesting but would be too sweet for me.

    1. Very sweet and no way you can cut on the sugar in this recipe

  4. We make the same thing here, just without the sweets, just cookies and chocolate.

    1. I won't amke it with the sweets again. Much better just the plain old recipe

  5. Eskimo Babies! lol Nope, they are surely not Politically Correct in this day and age!!! >,-) (Especially biting heads off first!!!!) >,-))))

    Actually, all that sweetness and sugar, are probably not P.C. now, either!!!!!

    But they certainly sound delicious!!!!


    1. Eskimos are very sweet, whether edible or not. I think there was a bit of a stink at some time in NZ and they wanted the makers to change the name. The eskimo lollies won saying they were a very long kiwi tradition!! Iremember them from my childhood so they've been around since the ice age lol
