Monday 22 January 2024

Glitches and Gardens


Whoopee, K not only got the keyboard working but the computer no longer has that nasty glitch which added extra letters, turning for example, 'mobile' into 'mnob/ile'.  I can type away happily once again. One problem. The computer room is in the old part of the house, built with breeze blocks. I can't sit there for long.  It's freezing. 

We have a dehumidifier going all day which reduces the moisture in the air and does raise the temperature a little.  Still, it's not a room to linger in. 

Gratifying greenery in the front garden
Some of the nasturtium leaves are as big as dinner plates. They are slowly starting to flower. Soon there will be a symphony of yellow and orange flowers.

Primeval jungle in the back yard.
You never know what junk is hiding in that knee high wilderness.  

The yellow leafed tree is either a pear or an apricot. I hope it's just late changing leaf colour and not on its way out.

Healthy cauliflower grown on a balcony
My daughter Elli has green fingers.

My pitiful specimen, planted in the garden, ravaged by caterpillars, brown and dry before it's had time to mature


  1. Tell Elli to pull the leaves over her cauliflower and pin them together with a clothes peg. It makes it nice and white.

  2. I just had to pull out some of my nasturtiums as they were once again trying to strangle other plants. They really do try to take over. I love your yard. Looks wild and primal

    1. They do take over . That's why I like them in my garden. They dry out and die in the summer and then reappear in the winter

  3. Hello! Looks like I can finally comment again. That's a beautiful green in your garden, very luxurious in a way. The nasturtiums are amazing.

    1. The nasturtiums live that part of the garden. They don't seem to grow elsewhere

  4. When I still had my garden 'Haddock's', if I didn't put slug pellets down I would have had no crops at all.

    1. There are dozens of snails under that greenery. I see Gordon Ramsey days to eat them. I just may

  5. My pigs and poultry love nasturtiums to eat LA.

  6. Glad your computer is going again. Did you know that if you cook cauliflower or broccoli with their caterpillars (there was always one which I would miss finding) the caterpillars turn blue? It used to freak the kids out no end :))

    1. Yikes!! I've never found a blue caterpillar.... yet

  7. Good the computer is sorted for you. I have a similar cauli in the garden - not the healthy one!! The nasturtiums look super healthy.

    1. Those nasturtiums amaze me. How do they do so well and the vegetables don't?

  8. Nice to see what you have growing there. I've just harvested here some cauli and purple cabbage. It's so satisfying knowing you've grown something from scratch, then you know what's gone into it.

    1. That's what I used to think about growing vegetables but every year the crop gets smaller. It's cheaper to buy them 🤔
