Friday 19 January 2024

Mid Winter

Midwinter. One of my favourite times of the year. Any time but midsummer is my favourite time. 

Some days are cold, some days are warm and sunny. Today it's 19o, 9o at the weekend and then we will have a week or two of Halcyon days with warm breezes and sunshiney days. Halcyon days are usual in January, normally a week or so of calm seas and blue skies towards the end of the month.

My viking-blooded daughter and grand-daughter went swimming yesterday.  I think it would be heart attack time if I even poked my big toe in the sea just now.

Green, green, my world is green 
The nasturtiums and clover are almost knee high.
On a sunny morning I throw the shutters open and breathe in the crisp fresh air. Green is good. 

Our second tonne of wood (the back of a pick up truck piled high) was delivered yesterday.
Olive and Carob wood.
Hopefully we will have enough wood till the beginning of March.

Thanks to another blog...
I was reminded that it's marmalade time. In our backyard jungle we have an orange tree, a mandarine tree, a grapefruit and a bitter orange.
After reading her blog post I ventured out in my slippers to pick some fruit. The bitter oranges (Seville?) are still small and green but I managed to find a few oranges and mandarines . The darn mandarines have more pips than juice. A variety from days gone by. 
It's dangerous out there in the jungle. The weeds are so lush I can't see where I'm stepping.  I managed the harvest thank goodness without falling face first into the primeval tangle.
Marmalade is done and dusted

I went and got, what I hope is my last vaccination.   In Greek it's called 'erpes ostiras' and thanks to Google translation I discovered it's for shingles.
There has been a campaign for over 60s to get vaccinated against it and one of Ks friends had a nasty, painful dose which lasted for months.
The campaign has been very successful because there's a shortage of the vaccine. We waited for 2 months till our friendly chemist found a supply.
I hope it's the last 'shot' I have for quite a while. 
My daughter drove me down and escorted me to have the vaccination. While I was being injected she perused the shelves. Did you know caster oil is very good for encouraging growth of eyelashes and eyebrows? And for dry skin. And you don't have to drink the stuff. You just spray it on. My granddaughter will tell us if it works.

Our big computer is playing up. I bought a brush to clean the keyboard and now the keyboard doesn't work. It's got some damn virus anyway. Every time I wrote an email it added extra letters. Every B was followed by an N, every P by an / . My nerves were so much on edge I had  to have a stiff whisky. Johnny Walker, with 45% alcohol. 

The car has been across to the mainland for a new water tank and spark plugs. Next thing on the list will be a new computer. 
One of my pastimes is writing and that computer is a necessity .

Cheers Big Ears



  1. It's what you knows Big Nose.😊 You can eat Nasturtiums in salads.

    1. I do secretly put nasturtiums in salads . They're good with lettuce and rocket

  2. To clean the keyboard, get yourself a can of air-compressed spray duster. Very efficient and lasts long. You find it at Home Center and at computer centers.

    1. Yes, that brush was not a good idea. I'll look out for the spray

  3. The marmalade looks very yummy! Good to hear you got your shingles shot. I had a bad case of shingles and it took a year and a half for the pain to go away and then I could get a shingles shot. My mumhad the worst case of shingles the doctor had ever seen. It was all blistered across her stomach, under her breasts, and then up her back and neck and all through her hair. She had pain until she died and that was about 10 years later. not fun at all.

    1. Heavens, your cases are even worse than the others we have heard of. Glad I got the shot

  4. Your garden is looking very green.
    I tried making marmalade once but I got distracted and by the time I went to check it wa toffee.
    Put me off completely.
    Your getting warm winds but we are having cold days. Our summer has been disappointing so far this year We will see what the next month will bring.

    1. The front garden, in the photo, is full of nasturtium and clover. The trees are full of lemons. It's a delight.
      The back yard is a jungle of weeds. K will have to pay someone to clean it up

  5. I shall look today to see if there are Seville Oranges about, their season is very short.

    The Shingles campaign has been on TV here too. I don't think I'll bother, just keep my fingers crossed!

    1. Shingles is very painful. I'll be glad to avoid it. But I'm done with vaccinations.
      Our Seville oranges are well behind the other citrus. The tree is usually full of fruit. Climate change?

  6. That green is lush. And I'm also envious of marmalade season. Our last jar of Greek neranje marmalade was opened a week of so back and is being rationed.

    1. I must check the trees on the footpaths for neranje. Ours are a long way behind this year. Really nice bitter marmalade with them!

  7. too have been waiting two months for the shingles vaccine. In the meantime, I also received a vaccine against pneumonia. The campaigns are successful here as well.

    1. We got the pneumonia vaccine a few months ago. Another big campaign for that too

  8. Angela’s not wrong when she says our summer is disappointing - we’re both in Melbourne. Yesterday where I am it didn’t reach 16c - today it was 19c. Middle of January!
    School goes back in a week, then it will get hot!

    1. You should be sweltering now! Your temperatures are the same as our winter highs. Not good

  9. I can tell you the castor oil works! My daughter tried it years ago, rubbing a tiny smear across the base of her eyelashes each night and they did indeed appear to grow longer and lusher :)

  10. I had my shingles vaccine a while back. I have known several people with it and, as you say, it is very painful and can go on for a long time.

    1. It sounds more and more that the vaccination was a good idea

  11. I had to have the shingles vacc a while back too, was very expensive! Great job with the marmalade.

    1. Thank goodness these vaccinations are free here. If we had to pay we wouldn't bother

  12. I'm guessing your temperatures are in celsius? If so that's not bad. Mandarins are such a nice thing to have over Autumn/Winter.

    1. There are at least a dozen pips in each mandarine. Its crop is rather meagre so they get eaten and they are sweet. But all those pips are annoying.

  13. Your garden already looks almost ready for summer, compared to the barren wasteland that is mine. Good to see that you got your marmalade made - did you put any whisky in it, or did you drink it instead? Either way, a little of what you fancy..

    1. I had a wee nip but a bigger nip went into the mix just before it went into the jar. It's good stuff!
