Wednesday 10 January 2024

9 or 7?

 There is an ancient proverb that says:

'A cat has 9 lives. For 3 he plays, for 3 he strays and for the last 3 he stays'

In NZ, Australia, the UK or the USA, cats, so it goes, have 9 lives.

In Greece, Spain and Germany, cats, they say, have only 7 lives.

In Turkey and some of the Middle East they have only 6 lives.

Cats are supposed to always land on their feet . They're extremely agile, sail through the air to land on a roof, or the top of your bookcase. They squeeze into small spaces, wriggle under our screen door to explore interesting smells in our rubbish bin, survive seemingly fatal accidents, climb tall trees and jump from great heights.  

Cats do usually land on four feet . They have the ability to twist in midair, have very good balance and a 6th sense

Cats survive. Mostly

Just had covid for the second time. Not much going on around here.

Snowing in the hills north of Athens.


  1. The snow is beautiful on the Central Greek mountains. We were surprised just how much of it falls on Peloponnese and the mountains on the north side of the Gulf of Corinth. Delphi was spectacular in snow. Hope you are feeling better and recover quickly from that second dose of plague.

  2. Urgh... I hope your Covid is not treating you badly? May you be blessed with the maximum number of lives permissable!

    1. First three days I had a bad headache. Back to normal now. Headaches, yes, but not in my head lol

  3. I hope we are all cool cats and have 9 lives. Keep warm and I wish you a speedy recovery LA.

  4. Get well soon, I hope your symptoms aren't too bad. Take care.

    1. Darn covid. The first time I hardly knew I had it. This time I've had headaches and sniffles and a cough. All mostly gone now

  5. Glad you are starting to feel better. That's interesting about the number of lives a cat supposedly has in different countries.

    1. Often things are slightly different here. It muddles my head sometimes

  6. Sorry to hear you´ve had covid but glad it wasn´t too bad. We haven´t heard much about it here lately but they are now offering a booster vaccine.

    1. We have had four covid shots and could have another now. I don't think we'll bother. We both had flu shots.

  7. Sadly my daughter's cat only had one life when he fell of their balcony. I'm glad your covid was mild (as mine was recently).

    1. That was one unlucky cat. Sometimes they do get a bit too bold, or stupid. Here the wild cats lie in the middle of the road. Asking for trouble

  8. Good job they do have multiple lives. As curiosity killed the cat. Apparently
    Hope your not too sick with Covid. Feel better soon

    1. Curiosity killed the cat....forgot that one. Curiosity and stupidity.
      Got a negative test so it's all over. This time

  9. Oh dear, I hope you are feeling better soon. I've been hearing of multiple people who have had covid more than once (one man has had it seven times!). There seems to be quite a bit of it around here lately as well. Take care, Mxx

    1. 7 times, ye gods and little fishes . I hope I've had it for this winter.

  10. I hope you are over the covid soon and are healthy again. Interesting about the cats.

    1. Got a negative test today and feeling a lot better. Still taking it easy though. It's cold outside

  11. I was brought-up with cats in the house, and I do like them very much. We don't have one at present, but there are two next door that are very friendly. It tried to snow here on Monday; unsuccessfully. Covid is a bloody nuisance!!!

    1. We were brought up with cats. My father loved them. They were always characters that we still remember.

  12. Definitely 9 lives around here - the trawlermen liked having a cat onboard, thought the 9 lives would mean they were also safe - as long as the word 'cat' was never used. I hope you are soon feeling as fit as a fiddle. Elaine (Lincs)

  13. I'm fine now but winter has a way to go yet. Poros is full of the virus, I shall keep my distance

  14. oh no, I hope you didn't have a bad covid dose. It seems to be doing the rounds here with alot of Greymouth people coming down with it, so far I've managed to avoid it, touch wood.

  15. Oh gosh, Covid for a second time? That's awful Linda. I'm happy to hear you're fine now!
