Saturday 1 April 2023

Garden. Spring Clean Up

 .Every year around this time we have a young lad to come and clean up the back yard.  This year the weeds were waist high and the clover was lush.  We've had Albanian lads, a greek, a Bulgarian, our next door neighbour who actually raked the earth afterwards and this year it was a pleasant young Pakistani.  He did a better job than most though he didn't rake the dirt.  That was going a bit too far.  I don't mind a bit of roughness.  This is the back garden, K's territory and there are still piles of junk along the edges.  Anyway, this lad weeded under the fruit trees, actually pulling out the weeds by the roots.  Job well done.

While I do find all the greenery soothing and the clover does die away in the heat of summer you couldn't actually see what was underfoot.

The other side. 
There's a grapevine under there somewhere
That's a large sprawling jasmine climbing up over the balcony roof

And after
I couldn't persuade him to throw away any treasures this year but it looks a lot better

The other side.
That silver cylinder is a bbq which K made from an old water heater.
Its lined with fire bricks and is so heavy it's going to need quite a few strong men to move it into position....
which is unfortunately on my nice clean kitchen balcony.
Ti na kanoume
What can I do?
Try and not complain

One of the lemon trees with it's carpet of greenery
This is my area, the front of the house

Orange and yellow nasturtiums

Blogger Northsider Dave was talking about his Irish gorse last week.  I'm sure this is gorse.  This is the wild paddock next door.  There's quite a lot around us but not enough for it to be a menace the way it is in New Zealand.  The wild goats will probably find it soon

K bought this flower for me for International Women's Day on March 8.  Nice of him wasn't it.
The green leafy pot behind it is celery grown from the root of a bunch we bought in the supermarket over winter


  1. Wonderful job! You're ready for spring!
    I hadn't been able to comment for the last 4 days, and now bingo, I can. Hope you heal quickly and can enjoy the benefits!

  2. It all looks very green and lush. Springy!

    1. Very springy lol If I was a kid I'd be rolling in that clover.

  3. Nasturtiums! We haven't even got our seeds in the ground yet. Still too wet and too vold.

    1. Nasturtiums here love the cold, but not your sort of cold!

  4. It has rained very little here this year and there are few weeds in the garden. The work is easier this time.

    1. The weeds here grew like mad this year. Lots of work lol

  5. I didn´t realise you had a large back garden, that is a load of work!

    1. It's a load of work because nothing gets done there for months. I look after the front

  6. Great Spring photos and yes it's the same Gorse that we have in Hibernia.

  7. The wisteria is just starting to bloom now but it will be a while till I can get out and photo it.
    It's the first time I've noticed the gorse... Thanks to you.

  8. Good that he's done a great job. Hopefully your lemon tree will bloom really well.

    1. We have two trees with loads of lemons and this year they are full of juice

  9. Wow what a difference. I wonder if he would like to come here and do some weeding before winter really hits and it gets out of control again
    As for the bbq, well. We just have to learn to live with them I guess

    1. I bet he'd love to get work in Australia. Their dream , after america

  10. Here in England the grass has yet to start growing properly. In France I know that it has already been mowed once. I'm just praying that when we go in 2 months time that it's not knee high like last year. I'm hoping that our gardener will actually do what he's been asked to do!!!

    1. If the growth in France is anything like ours this winter you'll be hacking your way through a forest of grass if they haven't mowed regularly.

  11. That garden looks much better. I know I always feel so much happier after a clean up of any kind. We had so much rain over summer that our garden and lawn went crazy.
