Thursday, 25 March 2021

All of Greece Celebrates

        Long May Greeks Live Free

Special guests taking part in the bicentennial celebrations of the uprising against the Ottoman Turks were the Prime Minister of Russia (not the President), the Foreign Minister of France and yes, there they are, Charles and Camilla .

Charles father, Prince Phillip was born in Greece and his great grandfather was King George of Greece. 

They laid wreaths, watched the big parade in Athens, inspected the troops and attended a state banquet.

In Piraeus harbour there are ships of the French and Russian navy and down in Crete is the aircraft carrier Eisenhower.

Sydney Opera House was 'dressed' in the Greek blue and white. A Greek flag was raised in Manhatten and many other US cities. There were commemoration events in Toronto and Vancouver. The Eiffel tower was turned blue and white, Niagara Falls was illuminated in blue light.

And so the world celebrates with Greece.

Zito Hellas



  1. Replies
    1. I had far too much garlic sauce which sat rather heavily on my stomach and this morning I'm still breathing out fire.

  2. And Melbourne celebrated too.🙂

    1. Ooooh I bet they were up to all sorts of festivities there. All we saw on TV were Sydney's celebrations. Soooo many Greeks in Melbourne!!

    2. The biggest population of Greeks outside of Greece is in Melbourne
      But it’s all about Sydney apparently

  3. I get the impression that the Greeks are permanently 'celebrating'. We don't seem to do much here; new year is the only big celebration.

    1. One darn celebration after another. There aren't any more till the end of April because of Lent but we have a family birthday in a couple of weeks just to fill in.
      So much tradition, so many saints, any little excuse!!

  4. I hope you enjoyed the celebrations.

    1. Nice to see them on TV for a change and not up close

  5. Did you see the military aircraft over the Saronic in the morning? We were back and forth between that and watching the parade on TV.

    1. My daughter took a great video of one flying over the island. I tried to put it on the blog, without success. Put it on Instagram instead.
      Something different and mildly exciting!!

  6. LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!

    Long may Greece stay free!!!!!!

    "Miss BB"

  7. I love the blue and white flag.

  8. I'm kind of suprised to see the royals there but yes long live Greece!

  9. All that celebrating and I missed hearing anything about it on our News (if they even broadcast anything). I get the feeling that Greeks are happy people, with all that partying going on all the time :)

  10. I enjoyed watching the parade in Athens on a video someone put up on a Cretan facebook page Xronia polla Hellas !!
