Sunday 22 March 2020

Summer Figs

Yes, summer is a coming 

A rather blurry photo of the figs on the tree just up the road
The tree is full of fruit and most of it is hanging over the road.  I'm looking forward to stealing as many as possible, though the fig thieves last year were too quick for me.

I would go and take another photo but now I need a special permit to put out the rubbish, walk the dog (if we had one) or go for a walk.

More measures were announced this evening.  150 euro fine if we are outside without permission.  We can get a temporary permit though to walk the dog, or even go for a walk by sending an sms with our name and address.  We get a message in reply to show if stopped.  Sounds good to me.


  1. Wow - we aren't there (yet). We are still at the 'recommendation' stage. Because I'm staying in, I have no idea if people are complying or not. -Jenn

    1. People weren't complying with the stay at home recommendation so the govt stepped in to stop them . Germany has done the same, Italy of course and France did it last week. No contact means the virus is not much

  2. wow sounds like it is getting strict there, it hasn't quite gotten to that here yet but social distancing rules are in place.

    1. Social distancing is fine but everyone has to do it and many weren't. Hope you don't get to this stage

  3. Oh my goodness. How do people get food now if they cannot go to the shop?
    By the way, I love figs - can you steal some for me too????

    1. We can go to the supermarket, bank, chemist, with the right paper. Actually it's not too difficult.
      We just stay at home.

    2. Ps even though we don't have many passers by these figs still seem to mysteriously disappear, darn it

  4. Our schools are now closed s of tomorrow so it looks like we are going to go the same way

  5. Greece is doing the right thing unlike some other countries.

    1. We seem to have got some rules being obeyed in time but still seems slow to me. Our island should have been closed off at least a week ago

  6. Australia is now closed, but we have cruise ship off the WA coast with 1700 passengers, 250 of whom are displaying respiratory problems....sounds like COVID. The WA govt refuses to land them but they can't stay at sea. That would be inhumane, so the Feds will need to do something. They may be quarantined on our offshore island!

    1. Heavens above. Poor cruisers. From a luxury ship to heaven knows what. All those cruise ships should have stopped at least a month ago.
      Just stay at home all of you!!

  7. My Fig trees are only just beginning to sprout tiny leaves.

    1. I was surprised how many figs there were. We don't have wild flowers but the tree was full of small fruit.
      My roses are just starting to sprout leaves. Odd

  8. We are going into total lock-down in 48 hours but don't have to register like that, although I suppose such restrictions may be introduced if people refuse to follow the lock-down rules. Stay safe :)

    1. There were so many people flouting the distancing-rules that the govt had no choice but to implement stricter measures. I think it happened in most places. Few take it seriously . We have Italy next door to us in dire straits so I for one am glad the law is clamoing down on those that want to go out and spread the virus
