Tuesday 10 March 2020

Make Your Own

Preparing a bbq 

The master with his masterpiece

This is an old hot water cylinder
Cut in half, put on legs
and your bbq is, almost, ready

Wheels make it moveable.
And eventually the other half of the cylinder will be welded on as a top, with hinges for opening and closing

Meanwhile inside I prepared cauliflower for lunch
I boil the leaves as well as the florets
Served with olive oil and lemon juice

Mandarines ready to be turned into marmelade
I boiled them whole for half and hour then when cool put them in the blender and pureed them.  One cup of sugar for every cup of pulp.  Into the pot for half an hour and I had jam.  It was the easiest I've made in a long while

As an experiment I added some vanilla and a shot of whisky to the jam at the end of the boiling.  I don't like the vanilla flavour.  I much prefer that tart marmelade taste.  On the other hand whisky goes well with everything.

Two jars of marmelade which will last a long while.
We don't have toast and marmelade for breakfast
I have black coffee, K has a piece of hard dry twice baked bread which he dips in his, black, coffee


  1. Great BBQ.
    I didn't realise it was so easy to make marmalade. Even I could try that.

    1. This jam set perfectly and was very easy. It's a bit messier if your oranges and mandarines have pips which need to be removed. Otherwise boiling the fruit makes it quick and easy.

  2. And I thought all jelly making, was a HARD process!!!!! -grin-

    But you have shown, not all, has to be.

    Oh I agree, a bit of Whisky makes everything better!!!!

    🌱 🌸 🌱 🌷 🌱

    1. Jam/jelly is easy. Can be a bit messy though.
      Whisky clears out 'rust' and keeps those bugs away,vso they say here.
      Worth trying!!

  3. Creativity does only good for barbecue.

    1. Men in the family had fun making it. Still needs painting.
      They have a man-party every time they do some work

  4. I'm not sure why, but I have never thought of eating the cauliflower leaves. I presume they are similar to cabbage?

    1. Yes, like cabbage I would say. Not bad at all

  5. Everybody around here makes the barbecue out of old oil drums and have fun burning off the oil. I enjoy bbq'ing and use a small one myself for one because I like my meat bbq'd. I eat it indoors if it is too cold to eat outside!

    1. I can't be faffed lighting the coals but my husband enjoys it all. Must admit we only BBQ when its warm enough to sit outside and eat it too

  6. That is nice and easy and sound very yummy
    I might have to give it a go. Would make perfect Christmas presents I think. Very festive with the alcohol in it

    1. Jam is easy. Once you've made one batch you know what you're doing. Never let it boil too hard and test. Don't over boil. When you think some has set on a plate then you're probably right.

  7. I am toying with the idea of making a pizza oven from an old Oil Barrel. Cut one end off, install a chimney at the far end, and build an interior shelf. Fire underneath, pizza on top, etc. I'm not sure if it'll work, but I'll have a go anyway; it'll amuse the children.

    1. Your pizza oven sounds like a good idea. We bake bread in our outdoor oven but there's usually too much other things being cooked to worry about pizza .
