Friday 6 March 2020

How to Fly a Kite

Here's how to have fun!
The kite is attached to that little electric scooter.  

Much more fun than simple leg power


  1. Replies
    1. It was clever thinking!! I couldn't put up the other video where grandson ran like the wind....and got the kite to the same height. They needed more wind than speed

  2. We have quite recently bought a Kite. It's one of those things with two strings, and is almost impossible to control. That looks much more fun.

    1. We were given two very complicated kites. Even Papou couldn't work out how to put them together so we went back to basics. Proved by many generations that they fly, after some marathon sprints and help from the wind.....or being pulled by a scooter

  3. We used to fly kites with my children in the paddocks. But we didn’t ride bikes. That looks like so much fun lol

  4. It's fun on a scooter, although I've read loads of news stories here about people injuring themselves but I reckon it takes the original fun out of running with a kite.

    1. I wish I could put up the other video where grandson was running like the wind. Problem is you need wind and there wasn't much that day
