Friday 10 November 2023

Photos From Our Home


Smerna (roll the 'r'), the mediterranean moray eel
Not 1 but 3 
This type of moray eel is dangerous. These ones were almost a metre long and 2 or 3 kilos each.  Their bite can be very nasty and fishermen aren't happy to see them in their catch.  They give them to K for nothing because he takes them off their hands.
Not many people eat them but they are a good fish to eat.  They have firm white flesh, with a few big bones.
K discards the head, chops them into steaks and fries them, in olive oil of course.

Now you can see why they are dangerous.
Their jaws are wide and those long sharp teeth tear and crush their prey.

We have a reputation as 'collectors'.  To put it politely.
The council truck stopped outside our gate last week and the two guys yelled for K.  Treasures, delivered straight to the door.  What fun.  For someone.  I don't know whether he asked for these or someone thought our house was the perfect dumping place.  He's not admitting anything.

One of the big pieces of  shelving was 'gifted' on to a friend who says it will come in handy.
So K is not the only keeper of treasures on the island.
And we have the other shelving unit taking up precious  space inside the house.  It's empty now but I know it will soon be full.
None of that....... 'if something comes into the house, then something must go out'..... rule here.


  1. That fish is like something out of a horror film.

    1. You wouldn't want to meet one while you were swimming that's for sure

  2. Eels... no thanks. I'll pass thank you.
    I hope to see photos of your new shelving unit stacked full of useful items soon.

    1. Useful items? Ha ha. It won't take long to fill. With 'stuff'

  3. Those eels sound good to eat, but not if I had to chop off their heads first.

    1. I think the heads are used for soup but there's no flesh on them for frying. Just nasty teeth

  4. It looks like a piece of furniture with a lot of potential to be beautiful and useful in the home.

    1. Yes, it has a lot of storage space. It will be in place tomorrow, and probably be half full too.

  5. Hmmm dark furniture - someone was probably pleased to get rid of it. Do you have things that need storage or are the things to be stored arriving in subsequent deliveries?

    1. That style of furniture is 80s style. We used to have something similar and got rid of it...... and now here it comes again.
      There's rubbish lying around, probably enough to half fill it. Won't take long before there's another delivery I'm sure

    2. My daughter was asked her opinion and she said 'burn the whole lot'. Not the sort of thing someone wanted to hear. She's the poor daughter that's going to have to get rid of the whole damn lot one day

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🙄 been there, i feel her 'pain'

  6. I wouldn't be a partaker of the eel, he's a scary one to look at.
    What wonderful men to deliver your free furniture pieces, always great to repurpose.

    1. It's great to repurpose but we don't need any more furniture or 'things' in our house. We need to throw out a lot of things for someone else to repurpose.

  7. I've eaten Congar Eel; it was very good and very meaty. I'm always saying never judge food by its looks!

  8. I guess people are happy their sea catches aren't going to waste. I've only ever tried the NZ eel once, it was smoked and quite tough but I'd try it after cooking it K's way.
