Saturday, 28 November 2020

Xmas Deco

We always hang big red shiny balls from our rafters.  There is a shiny 'Happy Birthday Banner' up there too.  It has been up there for years.  It always seems to be someone's birthday, especially at this time of the year so it remains as a permanent deco.

Five Christmas stockings waiting for Santa to fill them with choccies and nuts and small goodies.  All of them hand knitted by  Nana.
Alas I think for the first time there will only be 4 grandchildren to dig into the stockings.  Tall grandson is stuck in Athens doing lessons over the internet and waiting to get back to the practical side of his studies.

Father Christmas' suit is clean and hung up waiting for him to come through the door, or window, though our old fireplace is still there if he wants  to try coming down the chimney.  I paid special attention to his beard this year.  It has been washed and soaked in softener

The boat on the wall is lit up at night.
This is a greek island tradition, rather than the Christmas tree


4 Huhu bugs

And the Xmas book 'Pukeko in a Ponga Tree'.  A kiwi 12 days of Xmas is open on the table for me to flick through when I feel the need to wallow in the flavour of 'home'



  1. We honestly have the identical "happy birthday" sign! I like how you wrote, it's always someone's birthday. I didn't know about the light-up boat tradition. I always learn something new through your blog. -Jenn

    1. What a hoot. We've had two birthdays last week and we've got 2 more this week and two the next week. Most of the family are Sagittarian but we've got a load of Geminis too

  2. It's really fund to see how it's done on the other side of the ocean!
    Not sure I'm going to put up the tree, seems like an awful lot of trouble for 2 of us.

    1. There are great wall hangings now in the shape of a tree and you can even add decorations to it. would do me fine!

  3. I hope to get the cards and calendars ready to post to New Zealand today and then next week will, hopefully, get the Christmas decorations up. Lots of seedlings to plant out in the garden though.

    1. I got my cards off a few days ago, all 6 of them. They get fewer every year.

  4. Now I am singing the song 😂😂😂😂 your decorations look great. Love the light up boat.

  5. This is no ordinary chrissy
    Enjoy it with the family who is there.
    And next year hopefully it will be much better for all

  6. I told the husband about hanging your big, red, shiny balls from the rafters. His eyes started to water.

  7. ha, I love your book of kiwi terminology, I know what all of those are lol but huhu bugs give me the creeps.
