Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Most Important Monday

 Seafood  and celebration 

The start of Lent

One of the biggest holidays

Traditional food and fun

In a photo parade...

All the traditional edibles

And busy family

Octopus hanging out to dry before it goes on the bbq

Cauliflower, carrots and turnip
Hot peppers
Olives, of course

Octopus boiled and dressed with olive oil and vinegar

Steamed crab
Eaten as-is

Shrimp/prawn spaghetti
The hit of the day
Made by daughter Elli.

Homemade lagana, flatbread. 
Hot from the oven they're irresistible, especially smothered in taramasalata.
I'll be sweeping up sesame seeds from the floors and rugs for the next month

The boys were busy outside grilling and frying

And enjoying themselves with ouzo and whatever came off the bbq

Meanwhile inside..
Poppi and Boem (also known as Rusty) 

Elli and Poppi having fun? 

The female family members chopped and cooked, set up the table, cleaned and washed up

Danae and Nels and Poppi again
Chopping, stirring, plating, serving

Jan and I keeping an eye on the boys

Luli and her Mum

The boys at a loaded table

And that's the immediate family....
Except Jamie who's in Athens studying. We missed you kiddo


  1. That looks like so much fun. What a wonderful celebration.
    You are looking good there, Linda!

  2. Such a lovely afternoon....😘...enjoyed a leftover lunch today......Great dish Elli....❣

    1. Thank goodness for leftovers 😂 no cooking for a couple of days

  3. It looks fun to have the pre-Lent feast with all the family Greek style. Your Easter and ours coincide this year.

    1. Yes, I hadn't realised they are both on April 20th. The island is going to be heaving .
      It was a busy day. A bit chaotic but we all had fun

  4. You always show us how to party on Poros.

    1. The younger generation have endless energy

  5. The Greeks certainly know how to eat well and enjoy themselves. Food looks magnificent. And taramasalata.....I haven’t had that for many years, I love it. Marie, Melbourne, Australia
