Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Flags a Flying


Freedom or death 
Today commemorates the beginning of the war of independence from the Ottoman Turks

Blue and white flags are flying everywhere
School children from pre-school to High school parade along the waterfront 

It's a religious festival too

And a family gathering at a harbour café for us

Coffee for some
Or beer and salt cod with garlic sauce 

Luli and her mother

The reason it's a family gathering
Luli, the last of our grandchildren still at school and in the parade.
We all clap like mad and call out to her as she marches past.

And it wouldn't be a blog post without Poppi, and her Aunty Elli


  1. Something to be celebrated, indeed.

    1. The last of the grandchildren to cheer on

  2. Hi Poppi! Hi Aunty Elli! Definitely a good day to celebrate.

    1. Love when we're all together down there at a cafe. Gossip and laughter

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, yet another one. Next one will be Easter. I think

  4. Happy national Greek day.
    I’m glad the weather was nice for you all

  5. Good to see the celebrations. Lovely family photos.

  6. Looks like a good day for the celebrations - covid meant we missed out on so much of the exuberant stuff in Greece. I did get to eat cod and garlic sauce however - wonderful stuff.

  7. Happy Independence Day (or was it yesterday?). I like to see countries that still have some pride in their nationality.

  8. Good to see the flags flying and a country, as Cro says, that still celebrates in this way. Also lovely to see the photos.
