Saturday 11 May 2024


 So much has been going on  these last 2 weeks I haven't had time to post about our latest Poros Bazaar.  This one was in aid of another dog

Little Sotirakis
He has problems with his eyes and needs a slew of tests and an appointment with a specialist in Athens


Our 2 tireless Organisers. Waiting for the first customers on a warm Poros day.

Jan from England and Cecile from Belgium.  Both are very long time residents.   Local-aliens like me

The boy who benefitted from the first bazaar.  He needed special medecine which the bazaar helped provide.  He has put on weight and become a happy healthy dog.  He lapped up lots of attention

Happy browsers

Jan sorting out the donated clothes.  Most were donated by another English resident.  Beautifully tailored, in excellent condition

My daughter Danae has an eye for a bargain and sorted out something for all of us. She found a dress for me which fitted perfectly. Only trouble is that I haven't worn a dress in years and although it looks great I feel oddly bare. I'm used to having my knees and legs covered by trousers or leggings. 

A friend of ours doing a clean out donated half a dozen paintings
K wanted this one.  We have no free wall space.  Thank goodness someone else snapped it up

Sangria and mint water 

And the main items
Books. English and a few greek and dutch

It wouldn't be a bazaar without a raffle.  And the perfect prize/s. Free haircuts and nail care.  
I've won a free haircut and boy do I need one. I'm like a shaggy sheep dog 😄


  1. Replies
    1. It's such a wonderful way to raise money and meet all the foreign residents

  2. You have to love a free haircut. Good for you!

    1. 2 euros for a ticket!! And she's my usual hairdresser too

  3. I seldom wear dresses any more, but find them much cooler on a really hot day. I hope the doggie gets the help he needs.

    1. Sotirakis is already having tests done and an appointment made.

  4. Such a good cause...good luck little Sotirakis.

    1. His test results sound good. Now for his eyes

  5. How lovely they are helping people with their pets health. Good on them.
    I’d wear the dress with some 3/4 length leggings underneath. Nice and cool and saves on the chub rub I suffer from
    I think you would look lovely

    1. The 'aliens' here are big animal lovers and donate and help strays or others pets in need

    2. Im ok with wearing leggings underneath but this is a smarter dress and it will only comes to the knees. I could handle a longer dress and do have a long skirt for monastery visits. I'll have to have a think. Thick tights maybe

  6. Thanx to everyone that helped make the bazaar a great success...Sotirakis will be going up to Athens soon....He and Rudi are 2 stray dogs with a better future.....Yes leggings would work with your pretty dress...dress it down...🙂

    1. Hi Anonymous Mou. Great news for Sotirakis.
      Dress it down. Mmmm. Could do with a dresser with taste! I definitely need help in that department 😂

  7. Wonderful. It sounds very much like our recent dog-show bazaar in the church. Lady M bought books. My best wishes to Sotirakis.

    1. I'll tell you how Sotirakis is when he's had his specialist appt. At the moment Jan is looking after him and he's happy with her

  8. oh I do like events like this and glad that the dogs got the treatment they needed. We are looking at adopting a rescue dog, she's part staffy and part bulldog and so cute.

    1. There are so many rescue dogs here on the waiting list. Jan spends most of her time finding hones for them or arranging medication

  9. How good that dogs are taken care of like this. I wonder what Greek names dogs have,

    1. Sotirakis is not a common dog name but it is a greek male name. Flox, Max, Lucky. Snoopy of course. All good dog names.

  10. Great prizes at the bazaar, congratulations on your win. Great to read the dogs are being looked after.

    1. The strays are looked after and there are plenty of abandoned dogs unfortunately. Councils get a European grant which helps but some councils are more organised than others.

  11. Bet the book stall was the first one you went to😊

    1. Oh yes! How did you guess. I've got piles in every room. 😀😀

  12. So glad to see that dogs in need are cared for! I hope that Sotirakis’ eyes will benefit from treatment. I haven’t been to a bazaar like your in a long time. I need to keep my eyes open for them when they come up!
    Happy Mother’s Day to you!
