Monday 27 May 2024

All sorts of Prep

 More clean-up jobs have been crossed off the list. More cooking and cleaning done.

This has been a busy week. We had a run of name days and birthdays which had to to be celebrated in the traditional fashion.

Monday was Saint Lydia. Granddaughter Poppi was baptised Lydia and I creep in there too . Linda, Lydia.  Near enough.  We all went out for pizza.  No dishes

Tuesday was Ks name day and also another 5 members of the extended family.  Close family came for pork and pita bread.  Etc.  This first night finished quite early.  Sigh of relief and the girls helped clear up.  Grandchildren are in the middle of exams and need early nights.

Wednesday was another feast for 6 of K's close friends.  Roast lamb and potatoes on the menu and many kilos of wine.  Greek men sure know how to talk.  2 of them went home at midnight as they had work the next day but the old age pensioners carried on till 2.30am.  I cleared most of the table and did most of the dishes well before that and didn't bother to stay up to see the last one off.

Friday was a friend's birthday.  Lots of chat.  In English.  And at a taverna on Galatas. Most enjoyable and  no hard work involved in that celebration.

Now it's more cleaning and prep for overseas visitors.

Our house is named Villa Linda.  Cringe.  The sign had faded away but it's paint job was on Ks priority list.

It came down

Was cleaned and revarnished.
And went back up again
Bit hard to read isn't it?

The shade cloth over the side balcony was tidied up so the holes are hardly noticeable.
You won't notice them when you arrive, will you little brother!

Poppi and friend prettied up the breeze blocks with drawings of butterflies and flowers.

This very old piece of sculpted furniture topped with a heavy piece of marble, at the front door, has  been taken away to be cleaned and varnished.

Now I must remove greasy handprints from cupboards and doors, do a bit of window cleaning and scrub the loo.  

Fat and oil dissolver has been sprayed over the bbq marble to try and get that glistening white.  
None of this will last long because next week will be one long week of greasy bbqing and oily cooking.  

That's life in a welcoming greek home with traditional people sharing their timehonoured lifestyle, customs and culture with revered guests.


  1. The excitement is mounting! The welcome will be warm and genuine. Absolutely fabulous 😉

    1. It's going to be fabulous, as you say. My kiwi family 😀

  2. Replies
    1. We will! And I'll enjoy a brighter home for the summer

  3. Oh, what excitement! I'm counting down the days until my daughter visits again, so I can appreciate how you must be feeling. I hope it all goes really well. Mxx

    1. Oh you know exactly what it's like!! All the best for your daughters visit!

  4. This is the bit of Rainys trip I really envy. It will be a wonderful time. I love how visitors encourage you to clean things up

    1. I hope she will have a good time and want to come back again. We will do our best

  5. One of the benefits of having visitors is an extra clean house.

  6. We’ve been doing some cleaning up, and it’s great after it’s done! We aren’t having any visitors though, but it’s still spring! I love that table you have by the front door…perfect place for keys and such. Your preparations involve everyone, that’s very grand.

    1. I'd like to have that table inside but there's just no space. At least it's protected from sun and rain at the door

  7. I wouldn't varnish your lovely old console table, just some beeswax would be fine. Varnish will reduce its value! It's a beautiful thing.

    1. We have a matching set of drawers and that was cleaned and shined but this one is outside, sheltered but still out of the house, and needs more protection.

  8. I’m exhausted reading it all.
    I’m ever so glad we don’t do that kind of thing anymore. I remember it all when I was young and it exhausted me back then. When I was a child
    I think it’s lovely your place is named after you.

    1. I hate having the house named after me but K was so pleased with the name I can't complain. Frankly I don't think houses need names

  9. At least you haven’t had new carpet laid as my sister did one year we visited. I was ‘annoyed’ but she just said “I wanted it done and you were a good excuse to get it done”.
    If the lucky family is coming from NZ they will enjoy warmer weather than we’re having down here at the moment

    1. They are kiwis. I suppose it's wet there . Still not summer weather here but it's warm. They definitely don't need a heat wave

  10. Sounds good. My sort of preparation ready for the cooking. One great thing about summer is just using the BBQ and I leave the grease all summer.

    1. Ha, made me laugh. We leave the grease till it gets to be a health hazard. Almost. The surrounds needed a good scrub

  11. That all sounds like a whirlwind. It's nice tho to have such a life of eating at the BBQ (and a properly established BBQ) that you have grease to clean up. I see 'Villa Linda' is even in your own lettering.
