Wednesday 29 May 2024

Flying the Flag

 K put up our flag pole many years ago. The first pole flew the Greek flag and the Jolly Roger or the Skull and Crossbones.  Our two grandsons were quite young and loved pirates and castles.  And dinosaurs.

I had forgotten that a pirate flag is called a Jolly Roger and was intrigued to read the history. You can too if you want to.  Just ask Wikipedia.

Our flag pole now has 3 flags which K has decided should stay there all year round.  We can hoist a larger greek flag on special occasions.

Being ex-Navy he knows how to hoist and lower a flag.  On the Destroyer-s and the Minesweeper he served on, there is a flag for every circumstance. 

On the left of our flagpole we have a triple flag.  It has the colours of NZ, Australia and Greece, the 3 flags which represent our families.  In the middle is the larger blue and white Greek flag and on the right is a small NZ flag.  I think I may look for a flag with the silver fern which is the symbol of New Zealand national identity.

In answer to Dave's question if there is a Poros daughter found this.

The flag writes...
Together we are Strong.


  1. Perhaps your visiting family can bring one over for you!

    1. Too late, they're down in the boot of Italy now. But our local yachting shop used to have one. Or the next visitors will be aksed to bring one.

  2. Does Poros have it's own flag LA?

    1. Good question! As far as I know it doesn't. Where flags fly it's either the Greek, the EU or the flag of some football team

  3. And very nice they look, too!

    1. They're very decorative.
      Our next door neighbours who are French also fly a small Greek flag.

  4. I have a friend who has a flag pole and a huge collection of different flags. She flies them according to what is happening in her life (she is Irish herself). Great fun :)

    1. That sounds like a great idea. K will love that 😁

  5. I’m interested in your ‘three family’ flag. Did you have it made or was it available to buy? Nice idea though

    1. One of my sons in law had it made. We sent one to each of the families downunder too

  6. I don’t have a flag pole. But I do have an Aussie flag out back it would be nice to have it flying in the wind where everyone can see it.

    1. They look great in a gentle breeze. Very hard to get a decent photo though

  7. We're discouraged in the UK from flying either the GB or England flags. The woke brigade say it might upset the immigrants.

    1. I just can't understand that.. Immigrants have their roots of course but they should be honouring the land they chose to live in

  8. Great flag pole, nice to see the NZ flag flying. We had a flag pole at out last house but not here sadly, maybe one day! A house down the road from us has a very complicated looking flag pole system, they have the NZ flag now and then, no idea why as they are not Kiwi's.

  9. My son also loved castles, pirates and dinosaurs when he was very young. I'm sure he would be happy if I found a pirate flag. Here, as trouble grows people cling to the flag as a form of protection or comfort.

  10. Im glad you have all 3 flags - gotta be proud to be a Kiwi.
