Sunday 4 February 2024

All For Poros Strays

Last weekend, before the storm hit, we had a book and bric a brac sale with proceeds going to feed stray cats and dogs and buy medicine for them .

These 3 heroines, my daughters, brought 30 odd boxes full of heavy books down a steep flight of steps, loaded up the car and took them down to an office on the harbour. 

The books were from the private library of English friends of ours who are selling their house on Poros. 
Their book shelves were full of books in very good condition, and a lot were complete sets. 
Thanks Judy and Steve. 
There are still some beautiful hard backs up there. They were too heavy to haul around. Tomes of
 cookery and sailing books, amongst others, full of lovely glossy photos. 

This is Isis, our most efficient librarian. She spent one night sorting all those paperbacks into categories and authors and setting them out in the offices of Greek Sails. 
A bit different from her other job of skippering yachts!

And Jan who organises fund raisers for local animals and does hands-on feeding and medicating. 
Years ago she used to organise bazaars, real bazaars as only the English know how. We used to have such fun rummaging through racks of clothes, books and bric a brac. Then the Greeks took over. They have no idea how a bazaar works and probably can't imagine why anyone would want other's cast-offs. Their bazaars had little of interest and just died out. 

This is Rudi, one of the strays. He needs daily medication and has been adopted by Isis. 
He was the star of the day. Most people coming in knew his story and he lapped up a lot of attention

Cecile, another local alien, from Belgian, modelling this fine coat. She supplied the office space, and made coffee and a pot of spiced mulled wine which went down very well with the book browsers. 

One of the white elephant stalls 
I bought 3 salad bowls. Do we really need anymore?? I keep complaining of the 12 we already have! 
These ones are smaller and fit better on a table already groaning with platters and plates. 

Cecile chatting in the sun. 
She's an excellent saleswoman, drawing in passers-by and showing off the wares. 
I didn't leave with only books and salad bowls. But I would have if she hadn't presented all the other possibilities. I filled up the car with a small table, curtains, magazines, and a few other items. 

Jan and Rudi
Note that fabulous hat!

We all had a lot of fun besides raising funds. The sale went on for both Saturday and Sunday. They were the best 2 days I've had in a long time. 
Isis and Cecile, mother and daughter, are an extremely capable duo and lots of fun too. Many of the English expats came by for a browse, a drink and a bit of chatter. Many were old friends and others just faces I see in the supermarket or on the road. Now I know their names as well. 


  1. It was a lovely weekend Linda....enhanced by the loan of your lovely daughters...your excellent photography......and last but not least....tasty cheese scones and chocolate chip cookies.....Brought back good vibes of bazaars past....😍

    1. Thanks Jan. Glad there were leftovers, books and bric a brac, so we can do it again sometime.

    2. Well done all! Would have loved to have been with you! X

  2. What a great way to spend your weekend. It must have been great fun with so much chatter and laughter. I wish I could have been there to browse those shelves.

    1. Wish we could have a permanent place for the books. Down at the book exchange in town there are too many Scandinavian books from the yachts. Finding the few English ones is a pain.

  3. Cheese scones and chocolate chip cookies? Now I really do feel I missed out on something special!

    1. And next time they'll be even better. I was using our new oven and they were slightly over baked. Can't have coffee without biscuits

  4. What a wonderful weekend and we'll done to all the organizers.

    1. It was very successful thanks to all the girls. And the good weather

  5. I love the photos and the story of the books and
    lovely expats and your beautiful daughters.

    1. It was a very good selection of books. Isis loved sorting them all out. She was a godsend

  6. I loved this post. What a wonderful weekend.

    1. It got me out of the house and socializing with English speakers. A rare occasion for me

  7. What a lovely weekend you had. And how wonderful are the ladies who organised it all for the strays Bless them.

    1. The girls did a great job. All of them . And all with smiles and laughs .

  8. Well done! What a worthwhile and enjoyable thing to do! Congratulations all round.

  9. How good to combine fun and a worthy cause. Sales like you describe attract me, especially books.

  10. Sounds like you have regular sales and chats.

  11. good on you fund raising for the animals, always got to look after the stray ones.

  12. Do love a good jumble sale and love it even more when for a really good cause. Sounds like you had a good rummage too. Good on your daughters for all the heavy lifting.

  13. Sounds like a good day for seeing people as well as raising funds.

  14. I meet a couple quite often, whilst walking Billy, who have two rescue dogs from some Greek Island (not sure which). I believe they saw them on a web site, and decided to adopt them. Lovely friendly dogs.
