Monday 2 January 2023

It Ain't Over Yet

 New Years Day in the sun. A family day. The table pulled out into the sunlight. It was too hot in the sun and chilly in the shade. Most of us striped off top layers. And soaked up the heat.

The table was pulled out of the shade where we eat in the summer heat . Trying to catch those wintery rays.

Boem, the high spirited cocker spaniel puppy found freedom in an unguarded moment and took off up into the hills to greet the dogs of the estate next door and then raced off down for a swim in the sea. He appeared bedraggled, grabbed the bait, a piece of bread, and took off again. After much chasing and trying to outwit this energetic pup he was eventually rounded up and given a shower. 
He's a gorgeous little dog, keeps daughter on her toes now the kids are growing up and flying away. Molly the 12 years-Old English Sheepdog has found new interest in life too. 

And back to the table


Pater familias watching us play Disney Trivial Pursuit. 

Grandsons and I won the Greek Trivial version at Christmas, by a hair. We're a pretty good team and a surprise loss was looming but we won on the last question, about football. The grandsons shot em all up in flames. This time our team lost a grandson but gained a daughter. Thank goodness they'd  been brought up on Disney movies. I was absolutely useless except for something about Winnie the Pooh and Cinderella. We, almost, won. It was a lucky last throw that brought them victory.
I did manage to throw a few good dice-s though. Loads of fun and laughter. 

Certain person-s had to be driven home and then lamented that they hadn't had enough to drink. Lord save me! 

And as the title says It Ain't Over Yet.  This is a short week. Friday is Epiphany, the Blessing of the Waters and a public holiday. Saturday is the feast day of Saint John and a celebration of their name day for anyone named John, (Yianni) Joanna (Yianna). A saying here says 'a house without a John is not a home'. And we have a few.

Then I can take down the Xmas decorations and prepare, steel my nerves, for carnival, clean Monday, smoky Thursday and Easter. They're all just around the corner. 



  1. A never ending cavalcade of fun, frolics and feasting ... and all in the sun too!

    1. A never ending cavalcade of fuss and bother. Winter isn't as peaceful as I make it out to be. Thank goodness for sunshine

  2. They are all family gatherings though so good in that respect. Maybe it is time to pass the catering and hosting mantle to the next generation and save yourself the hard wok.

    1. I would do that in the blink of an eye. There is no way that pater familias is going to let go of his strangle hold on the reins.
      Hey ho

  3. Thanks sharing your New Years sunshine with us LA.

    1. I was half listening to a programme on the gulf stream and Ireland's great growing climate and was thinking of you and your garden. There was a lot of 'background' noise in our house so I couldn't hear it all . I hope they show it again.

  4. There is always fun going on at your place. I love it :)

    1. Ohhhh yes! There's always some sort of celebration

  5. Life is one long party there. Happy Days

  6. The year is one big wheel. Always turning.
    I’m going to start putting Christmas things away either today or tomorrow and finish off after epiphany.

    1. I've already filled a couple of boxes. Can't wait to get it down now. The tree might stay up for a while as I take the baubles off one by one. Can't do most of it till Epiphany or I'll have complaints from the boss

  7. Lots of festivals and celebrations. I guess life is never boring!

  8. Oh no; all that feasting you'll have to do!

    1. I've lost a kilo over the holidays. I'm done with feasting. Well except for the cooking and cleaning, darn it
