Wednesday, 1 December 2021

In With the Old

 Where is that 'stuff' that was removed from K's shed to make way for the wine?

Here it is.  All of it.
He has a chappy here to help him clear the mess and throw out crates of rubbish, old cables, bits of wood, old rusty machines, bits of metal, old rusty what-nots that 'might have come in handy'.  But it is still far from finished.  At least the shed is clear and clean.  He has put up new shelving and everything that goes back inside has its place .

My father's motto was -
'A place for everything and everything in it's place'

Meanwhile.  Three tatty old director chairs.

A friend of his is renovating his cafeteria this winter and oh what wonderful treasures we have acquired from there

A big old rusty, oil clogged toast machine
'Oh but I can clean it up and it works perfectly'.  So what
(lucky he never reads my blog)

Three light fittings on metal tubes

Two little old plastic tables.  ?

A ceramic light shade.
Very nice.  Was popular with tourists in the 80's
'Where will we put this'
Answer, 'nowhere'

A large, low, heavy wooden coffee table
A daughter took this away.  She has painters at their house who will rub this down, repaint and revamp.  And it shall not return.

And this 'thing' for pulling draft beer. Now there's a real treasure , he says.

Now he's clearing another, basement shed. Old doors, that bread machine that someone gave him because it didn't work, old bags of hardened cement, dried up whitewash.

I could, but 
I won't, go on and on.

My female readers I'm sure will relate. Even I'm stunned by the sheer amount that has built up. And that's only outside the actual house.

Maybe the men will just roll their eyes and wish they too had sheds to fill with treasures.

In our front yard there remains only one washing machine and that has found an owner so can't complain can I. 


  1. Hmm... That is an awful lot of junk there. Useful one day? I think that bird has flown 😁

    1. The bird has died of old age and desperation waiting for its chance to fly again .

  2. I have someone here who thinks the one with the most nails/screws/nuts/bolts all hidden away in Milo tins is the one who wins 🙂

    1. Oh those Milo tins. Here it's old 5 kilo feta cheese tins. we do it on bulk!

  3. I have all the things I thought I would ever need are under the house, I never touched them. I'm looking for someone to evacuate them.

    1. That's exactly what happened here. Never been touched but the pile has been growing higher and higher. I thought one day we might have to move out of the house!
      Good luck with your pile of treasures Yael

  4. That is repeated all over the world.

    1. Sometimes I wish we lived in a 10th floor flat in a city. But he'd still find something to hoard.
      I know you're right but I hate clutter myself!

  5. One man's trash is another man's treasure. You can never have enough sheds.

    1. Spoken like a true man!!
      Our next door neighbour is even worse. He must have about 10 sheds. I'd hate to be his last surviving relative!

  6. Sounds like my brother and he's got 20 acres and several very large sheds, workshops, classrooms, and shadehouses to store stuff in. As if that wasn't enough he added half a dozen 20 foot containers. One day he got a bug for clearing out and made thousands just out of the weight of scrap metal he collected up and sold off. (I love those feta cheese tins but admit that there aren't so many reuses for them.)

    1. We give our scrap metal to a friend who collects it all and sells it to a scrap dealer. I'm happy someone can make something out of it.
      Almost every feta cheese tin he's had has rusted away and, eventually, been chucked. He keeps on asking me if I want those and the oil tins for flower pots. If I was an artist I'd paint them and use them but I D not want an olive oil pot thank you. They can be nice in very rural settings but not in mine!

  7. Wow. Quick spit on him so it doesn’t go away!
    Love a good clean out unfortunately my husband has a huge shed and he keeps so much crap. But at least it’s away from my house so it’s not a big deal

    1. Trouble is just about the same amount that's going out is coming in. At least it's brand new rubbish.
      Yes, like you and Tigger's bro you need a large -ish farm and sheds in the paddocks so you don't annoy your dear wife

  8. When you get to the stage that you know you are never going to get around to "doing something" with those "still useful" things, it is time to let them go. Our kids do not want to have the job later.

    1. Yes, you're darn right!! I really hope for the kids sake he pops off first so I can arrange rubbish disposal . I've warned them they'll need a couple of trucks if it's not done. Honestly the inside of the house is getting smaller too. We have 12 salad bowls for goodness sakes

  9. What is it with men and gathering bits and things that will be useful one day! Luckily my other half is not a fixer so does not gather, but he has a hobby and that takes up a lot of space!

    1. Oh we have hobbies too. Fishing for a start. There are boxes of f hooks and old nylon. Then he likes cooking hence the 12 salad bowls and there must be about 8 frying pans. I use ONE!

  10. I am guilty of hording rubbish. I do try to throw stuff out, but it never looks any different. Now being back in a house where there was NOTHING, I have to go to the shops every time I need a nail or piece of wire, etc, and I miss all my rubbish.

    1. A good tool box is essential. Full stop.
      At least by writing all this down here I've got it off my chest!

  11. I'm the same as your father, I like a house to be lived in but can't stand clutter and rubbish, everything has to have it's place. If I can't wear it, or eat it, or enjoy it in some way it's out.
