Tuesday 17 May 2016

A Loquat and a Salt Pig

We have just acquired a loquat tree.  This is the fruit I thought was called 'medlar'.  After looking at photos online I discovered my mistake.  It is in fact the fruit of the loquat tree.  My sister-in-law grew this from a seed and had it in a pot for two years.  Now we have planted it in the garden but alas the leaves are going brown.  The Internet came to the rescue again and after browsing a few online forums I believe that this is normal for a transplanted loquat tree.   The bigger leaves go brown and may drop off (or be removed) but new leaves will grow in their place.   In this case there is a lot of growth at the top of the tree so we shall just water it and leave it alone to grow.

And the loquat tree with its new 'head-dress'.  These trees grow really tall so hopefully in a few years we will have another shade tree in the back yard. 

My mother's salt pig.  My younger brother got the custard jug, I absconded with the salt pig.

Why is it called a salt 'pig'?  Thanks to the Internet and Wikipedia I discovered that 'pig' in Scots and the Northern dialect means an 'earthenware vessel'.

Apparently, as with this one, the salt pig is usually ceramic or clay and stops the salt from turning into a big hard lump in a humid climate - or the steaminess of most kitchens.

The little wooden spoon gives a 'pinch' of salt, what you can 'pinch' with your three fingers, or a bare teaspoon.

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  1. Our Nanna had a loquat tree as well! I remember loving them. But I don't think it grows fruit for very long, maybe mum will remember??

  2. The loquats here are usually covered in fruit, about now ie summer here. We have a very similar climate. Did you like the fruit?

  3. from memory - yes! Sweet & delicious.
