Sunday, 12 January 2025

What a Beautiful Pussy You Are

 12 days ago

It was a quiet, enjoyable day. Without fuss. Without bother. I dressed up a little.

New Year's Day 

Not at our house!

Some of us went to eat at the slightly more classy restaurant we discovered only 10 minutes across the water, and straight down the road
Photo - 
Elli and Luli 
Enjoying a first course.
 Boiled vegetables with a little olive oil
Cheese pies 
And a huge pile of  fried potatoes, eaten, gone

Jamie  with his new look
And Papous looking on

This eating place is a little above your normal taverna.  The food is excellent, the wine very drinkable, quick service.
Low music. No loud voices.
Extremely reasonable prices. Full of Poros people, friends and acquaintances enjoying, like us, good company and good food. 
It's cheaper than a Poros taverna even after paying return tickets for 2 cars on the ferry.
Fresh little cakes served afterwards were offered 'on the house'. 
After our meal we found a handy place for smokers outside on the porch. 
Elli noticed all the smokers were female. A big change from days gone by when it was almost exclusively males who smoked. 
Gossip time!

Back to Elli's house to cut the New Year's cake. Vassilopita
With a cup of coffee

The lucky coin
Not wrapped up in a five pound note* but a bit of silver foil. 

We missed you D

The owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat
They took some honey and plenty of money
*Wrapped up in a five pound note 
The owl looked up to the stars above
And sang to a small guitar
'Oh lovely Pussy, oh Pussy, my love
What a beautiful Pussy you are
You are
You are
What a beautiful Pussy you are'. 
- Edward Lear

That's a few too many 'pussys' to be politically correct these days


  1. Can't beat time with family. I miss mine, they are in the north island. Haven't tried cheese fries though but I would if i could

    1. Cheese Pies. Feta and other cheeses. Anything in pastry is delicious. Mind you, cheese fries are great too. Fries covered in grated cheese

  2. A lovely family get together. Sounds wonderful.
    That is the best gnome picture so far.

    1. Only half the family. We missed the rest of them, but half had already returned to Athens.

  3. Had you no gnomes to go home too?😊 What a great get together.

    1. Lots of gnomes at home
      Those gnomes ain't gonna roam
      My gnomes protect the house
      From ferret, cat and...Mouse

  4. The restaurant looks fabulous! I am so looking forward to eating fresh seafood! Who knows, I might eat my own weight in calamari. :-). I still don't know about island hopping, but perhaps when we're in Crete? Or maybe Santorini. At any rate, I'm going to see what I can do!

    1. Crete and Santorini are a days sail away. But Athens is only an hour, or so.
      Don't forget its P-o-ros and not P-A-ros
      Keep in touch!

  5. Sounds a perfect way to see the New Year in.

  6. Somewhere I have a collection of very old silver 3d pieces, that were always wrapped in foil and hidden in the Christmas Pudding. These days we cook the Pud' in the microwave, so they'd have to be put in after cooking. I really must try to find them before next Christmas.

    1. We have a special coin that is used instead of the real thing but I can never find that either

  7. Sounds like a wonderful family time over the New Year.
    The Owl and the Pussycat came up in a quiz I was watching the other night but I couldn't get any further than the beautiful pea green boat so couldn't answer the question :)

    1. That's where my memory ended too. I had to look up the rest.

    2. Except I did remember the 'plenty of money wrapped up in a 5 pounds note' 😊

  8. Your local taverna might have to look at their prices if the one across the water is cheaper.
    I once bought a mug with an owl and a pussycat cat in a boat. I posted a pic of it and the first line of the poem. Within minutes people were adding the other lines and we all had a lovely ten minutes of reading,remembering and laughing
    Even though we weren’t even in the same place lol

    1. The owl and the pussycat was one of my mother's favourites which is why I remember, the first lines. But I can never remember more than first lines of anything.
      Isn't social media great

  9. Wonderful place for you all to eat. The cake looks amazing.

    1. Daughter Elli makes the new year cake every year. It's full of walnuts and Greek spices. Really good. Even if you don't find the lucky coin
