Friday 12 July 2024


  The Plumeria is flowering now on the island.  It's gorgeous and the sweet scent is intoxicating.

My granddaughters picked some one evening and put it behind their ears.  They all walked into the taverna looking most alluring.   The lovely 'children' brought one for me too.  I appreciated the gesture even though mine kept falling out everytime I moved my glasses from top of my head to face. 

I googled and found plumeria is greek for the white frangipani.
I always thought of the franipani as an exotic plant which grew in Hawaii, a Caribbean island or Central America,  It does grow there and it grows well here too.  
At the moment my daughter's frangipani is a big bush but it could grow into a big tree.

If you wear it behind the right ear it means you are single.  Behind the left that you are taken.

I'm taken already.  

We have had more visitors this week.  Two lots .  All greek, and not staying with us.
Hence our taverna visit.

Nice to see them, nice to wave goodbye.

The heat is rising and I'm in zombi mode



  1. Ooh, frangipani is indeed intoxicating. We grew it in Tenerife. Gorgeous fragrance.

    1. You lived in a tropical paradise....back then

  2. Grows well in Queensland too!! Marie,Melbourne

    1. Seems to grow anywhere it's very hot lol...I'd never seen it before on my daughter's garden.

  3. Oh very nice. Of course, it does not grow here. Enjoy your company! - Jenn

    1. Ah, Jenn, yes, I think you need just a bit more heat than you've got. Maybe not as much snow either. But you've got such a gorgeous garden you don't need a frangipani

  4. I can almost smell it from here.
    I too didn’t know it grew in Greece. But you do have hot summers so I guess it like it.

    1. It's probably all over the island but I just hadn't noticed it. We are having even hotter summers now!

  5. I first saw plumeria in Hawaii. I absolutely loved it and brought a bottle of plumeria perfume home with me.

    1. Oh I would love a bottle of the perfume. I shall make a note!

  6. It looks very attractive sitting behind your ear! What a great way to discreetly let folk know whether you are available or not :)

  7. For me Frangipani is a delicious Almond flavoured type of pie filling. Can the two be related?

    1. You had me baffled for a moment. Frangipani...marzipani.
      So I googled franipani pie. Coconut and pineapple with meringue on top but no marzipani or frangipani. But I might give it a whirl anyway. .

  8. I think Frangipini grows all over the world if it’s warm enough. In the tropics it’s evergreen. Here in Perth it’s deciduous and drops all its leaves in winter

    1. Hi Paul. I hadn't seen this in Danae's garden . She has a few exotic trees which were planted by her father in law or maybe mother in law. There is one huge tree which only flowers every 2 or 3 years. It has huge white flowers. Can't remember the name. Yianni tried planting a mango tree a few years ago but it didn't survive. The winters can be very cold. Or have cold spells

  9. We had a lovely frangipane bush when we lived in the Far North and another smaller one, when we lived in Kamo.
