Tuesday 16 July 2024

The Heat's Still On

Train tracks outside the city of Patras (a bit further north from us) melted and twisted in this heatwave.   Trains have stopped running of course.  Repairs will begin immediately..... when weather permits.  It happens now and again.  Passengers will be bussed onwards. 

We spent hours at the beach yesterday.  From morning till almost night.  There was no power cut in the end but we enjoyed a nice cool day by the sea anyway. In and out of the sea.
The road above us was blocked off because of the high risk of fire, as it is today.  So the beach was quiet.  There were 3 big catamarans out in the bay but for once there were no jet skis making waves to swamp our sunchairs.  The only cars that came down were  locals like us looking for some respite from the heat in the cool waters of Vayonia Bay.
Kosta learnt all the news from some very talkative neighbours and I finished my book.
The sea unfortunately was dirty, full of plastic, watermelon skins and disagreeable pieces of seaweed. Not enticing but we had to swim. The north wind was blowing them onto the main beach so our little side cove was cleaner.

On the night of the UEFA  football final our rooftop cinema showed the match on the big cinema screen.  All for free.
It was Spain v England.  Spain  won 2-1, kicking the last vital goal just a few minutes before full time.

Hundreds turned up and  the spirit of the Poros fans equaled that of the crowd at the actual stadium in Berlin.  So I read. Singing, chanting, cheers of joy and moans of disbelief.  
Spain might have won the Cup but both English and Spanish fans at Cine Diana had a great time.   So did the cinema's neighbours.  At least there was no extra time.  Sounds from a rooftop carry a long way and it went on till midnight.

We watched the game at home on our balcony with the fan on full and K giving a very critical commentary on the refs decisions and the players performances.

It's over!

The Olympics are getting closer 



  1. Phew... some heat!!
    Turned chilly here again today. Huh!

  2. Those heat twisted rails are incredible.

    1. How hot is hot enough to twist rails? Far too bloody hot!

  3. Is that the new railway line to Patras - the electrified one? Someone is going to be cross (and some engineers are going to get 'roasted' over that!) As for the 'yuck' in the water - we hear you. Pireaus used to be like that but you kind of expect it there. It washes down the Kifisia stream every time it rains in the Athens north which just adds mountains of trash to the stuff already floating around, washed off crowded beaches.

    1. It is the new line to Patras. Youd think they could have used the right materials to build it to resist this heat. I'm surprised there's not more fuss being made of it, especially after the big train crash last year.
      You must have had a lot of flotsam and jetsam on those rocks below your place. I remember Votsalos beach, further round, in days of old. I used to take the kids there when they were very young. There was loads of rubbish, a lot of ropes and nets and tar. It got to be such a nuisance we stopped going

  4. I can’t imagine how hot it must be for the railroad tracks to twist like that! I hope your weather cools down soon…

  5. We have a few days more. We are coping. Fingers crossed for a bit of coolness next week

  6. I have a spare room, you and K would be very welcome for a week or two, Just bring some Retsina and Slouvaki.. Much cooler here, and nice pool!!!............................................................................

    1. I just might take you up on that . A week or two beside and inside the pool and your good french food and wine would be heaven. You're not expecting any heatwaves ?

  7. The water pollution sounds as hideous as your heat wave. Thankfully our beaches are still relatively clean, probably because it is more wild ocean. Keep that fan working (do you sit with your feet in a bucket of cold water at the same time? - what I have been known to do, and not as hot as you are getting).

    1. The water was cleaner today and a friend of ours had a net and gathered up a load of feathers and some seaweed. Made swimming much nicer.

  8. It’s been a while since rails have buckled in Melbourne. Our recent summers don’t seem to have been as hot as before- maybe a few days of extreme heat then usual 30s.

    1. Weather goes around. It's not the 1st time we've had such high temps. 81 was a really bad year too and rails buckled. I just hope it cools down soon or I'll be joining you or Cro to get out of this 'paradise' for a while

  9. Poor England missed out again.
    It’s wasn’t such a big deal here. Unless your into soccer, as we call it. Mostly we’re not. But the girls soccer team did a lot to make it much more popular

    1. Australia does so well in a lot of sports. I'll be cheering for you in the Olympics.....when NZ isn't competing lol

  10. Do people throw watermelon skins into the sea? I've never seen that. Parts of NZ gets powercuts of Winter when the grid gets overloaded (weird I know).

    1. The watermelon probably came from a passing yacht, along with a lot of the plastic. There were lemons, in good shape bobbing around too

  11. We are having low to mid 30s for the next ten days. So, so hot for here and we are still on water restrictions!!

    1. No water restrictions here yet. I wonder for how long

  12. Why do people have to chuck their rubbish in the sea??? Where do they think it is going to go? Makes me so mad, I pick up rubbish when I go walking down at the beach, even in the winter now there is plastic and stuff around! Good to hear you are getting relief at the beach.

    1. The beach is already full, the one shady bit, at 11am. All the neighbours have gathered. I think the heat is worse today
