Saturday 16 May 2020


We are in the middle of our first heat wave.  Temperatures up to 40o in some parts of the country, till Thursday.  At this time of the year these high temps are bearable, just.  The nights are still quite cool and there is a slight breeze.

We have taken up our big carpets, cleaned them outside in the yard, dried them, rolled them and stored them.  Summer clothes are half out, winter clothes almost stored away.  Blankets and duvets exchanged for very light cotton coverings.

Some of our curtains are of the very heavy draft stopping kind.  I'll take those down sometime soon, there are only three of them, and put up some lighter ones which will not stop any essential breezes.

We are not on a diet of greek salad yet but our eating patterns have changed.  Our evening meal, or snack with a glass of red wine, in a glass full of ice, is eaten later and we sit on the side terrace looking towards the pine forest, listening to the neighbourhood dogs and watching for the lights of an airplane.  There are no airplanes of course, none circling to land at Athens International, none gaining height as they take off for Africa, Europe, the Middle East and down to New Zealand.

Even the stars seem dimmed.  There is mostly silence.

Last week I picked vine leaves and rolled up some stuffed dolmathes and this weekend it is time for our first stuffed tomatoes and peppers (capsicum).

Tomatoes and green peppers filled with rice and herbs, parsely, mint and basil

A similar sort of filling goes into these wines leaves but with lots of dill too

Here they are rolled and slowly filling the bottom of the pot


  1. I've only rolled dolmathes once....surrounded by a group of older Greek ladies who never stop giving you hints and tips and suggestions, and once that is done, they grill you about where you are from :-) What I really needed was a nice cold beer while they are peppering you with all the above!

    1. You have experienced the real thing!! Yes they want to know how old you are, how many children you have, how much money you earn, all the most intimate details they can get out of you. Its a grilling, but all in good spirit.
      Lucky you, chuckle chuckle. But you did learn all about dolamthes!

  2. We are having our first real warm day of 18 degrees C. and I've brought out my sandals! I've never rolled a grape leaf, but I have eaten them once or twice and loved them. -Jenn

    1. 18o degrees. How nice that would be right now. I should have done more work when it was 18 here. Its just a tad sweaty.

  3. I have never had stuffed vine leaves before but they look good. Do you boil them in that pot or roast them?
    I can't imagine 40C. Phew!

    1. They are boiled and then I make a lemon and egg sauce or just add a shake of lemon and olive oil. They are tasty just now and again

  4. Cherries and nectarines appeared in the laiki today - amazing how fast the seasons seem to turn around these days. You'll have those carpets out again before you know it.

    1. I hope we see some summer fruit now. The last few years the cherries have been so expensive we have rarely bought any

  5. We are hunkering down for winter. We have had a cold snap and our mornings are frosty white
    Our wood fire is now on 24/7.

    1. Enjoy your winter. You had one hell of a summer what with wild fires and heatwaves

  6. 40 degrees is a bit too hot for me. Temperature has dropped today with cloud and light showers. Woodburner is going.

    1. Thank goodness it's a few degrees cooler here near the sea

  7. I've often thought of making dolmates but have never done so. I'd like to use our vine leaves for something. One day maybe.

    1. You have to pick them early when they are small and tender. A once, twice a summer dish

  8. Oh hell that is getting hot! I think I would simply melt in those sorts of temperatures. I'm loving the cooler temps here now. I've had hot flushes for 16 years now... makes one hate being HOT.! lol Your dolmathes look interesting I must say.

    1. Thank goodness I never had hot flushes. I'd be dead and gone by now. I hate the heat. July and August I'd take to the mountains if I coukd

  9. I once visited Krakow in July and it was 36 degrees. Do you have air conditioning LA?

    1. We do have aircon but its not hot enough to use it yet...believe it or not. July and August it is a necessity

  10. Do you eat them with bread? I would have to I think. They looks nice filling. I used to do stuffed peppers in the 1970s. Seem to have got lazy since!

    1. We eat everything here with bread but not as a sandwich. Fork in one hand, piece of bread in the other.

  11. oh yum that looks tasty, I must say I've never tried anything like that.
