Tomorrow lockdown restrictions are easing. Today it's a beautiful sunny Sunday. Everyone seems to be outside, celebrating today. Just a few hours to go.
Cars are going up and down our cul de sac. Our part-time neighbour is having an ouzo get-together for his old wheezy friends. There are no virus cases on this isolated island so I suppose they will all be safe. I wonder if the police are out checking permits today.
What would their reasons be for moving out of town? Going up to feed the farm dog, going to assist an elderly aunt? They are all elderly. Anyway, who cares. K has gone down the road too to join the gang for a resumption of the 'debating society'. I wonder what they are all talking about today. What's the gossip. I'll hear it all later when a wine soaked tongue won't stop wagging.
They'll all go home happy.
Tomorrow we can just walk out our front doors, no need for reasons, for permision slips, for an sms letting us go to the supermarket or the chemist. I will stay at home I think.
But I did do some preparation for out-of-isolation-socialising
Hair colour. I'm completely blonde again, with a crooked fringe and curls down over my collar. I think I'll leave the cutting of my hair for a little while yet and see where it grows to
Our washable masks are all ready. 3euros each I think they were, from the chemist. We must wear masks at all times in indoor spaces, or risk a large fine
Those are very good priced masks. We have some from our travels in Vietnam where the pollution sometimes made you feel sick and breathless. They have elastic over the ears. I wish I had paid the extra 20p and got the ones with ribbons to tie around the back of the head. I ended up with a sore and a heat rash from them. Freedom can be tasted on the island then?! I am not even sure if I want to go out any more. I only want to see my family.
ReplyDeleteI'm not eager to get out there yet. I would like my girls to come and sit and have a coffee and a gossip.
DeleteYou're a long way from your family. I hope you get to see them soon
It feels very far away right now. At some point we will be let out.
DeleteWill they be allowing people to come across to the island, which could potentially bring the virus over?
ReplyDeleteGood idea to stay at home for a while anyway!
I don't have the problem with maintaining my hair colour, it's been dark brown with lots of silver highlights for ages now 😁 It could do with a good cut though as the neat bob has become more like a mop head.
The islands are closed till the end of the month thank goodness. No one is allowed to move out of their district so we will be clean and clear.
DeleteMop is a good word to describe our hair right now!
Notes from a small island could be another title for your blog. There's always so much going on.
ReplyDeletePlenty of social activity whatever the time of year, strict rules or none. They just can't live without other humans
ReplyDeleteNow, does this mean, that people from the Main Land, can descend on your COVID-19 Free Island???? I hope not!!!!!
Oh and I am letting my hair continue to grow too. Can't get it trimmed yet anyway, but... I am not complaining about this! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd my husband's is gently wavy enough, that it still looks fine. IF combed! -smile- And I keep his beard trimmed anyway.
No one is allowed on the island unless they have a paper to say they are a permanent resident. All islands and mainland districts are off limits to outsiders for a few more weeks. We can move around freely now, just not too far.
DeleteI cut my husbands hair with the clippers. More like a shave, but he likes the buzz cut. Before his hair was long and wild, really wild
Glad to hear that they are lifting some of the restrictions....I guess it's going to be a slow return, but I hope it goes smoothly for all of you on the island!
ReplyDeleteIm sure we will be ok now. The curve has flattened as they say. We will need a bit of money flowing though in mid summer. Hope we do have few tourists...later
DeleteI wish I could come! Doubt if we will be allowed off our island though.
DeleteOur government is reviewing the situation on Friday
ReplyDeleteBut our state government is reviewing next Monday
As they are always contradicting each other we have no idea what will happen
I heard that Jacinda is joining the Australian national cabinet meeting for covid relaxations.
DeleteOne country?
Good to hear things getting a bit easier. We are waiting to hear what our next stage will be although I am in no hurry to go anywhere except the library.
ReplyDeleteSurfers in the family are now happy they can get back in the waves but duck hunters and trout fishermen are pawing the ground.
DeleteLike Angela says here in Victoria our Premier is not quite working to the same set of 'rules' as the national ones.
ReplyDeleteSome shopping centres opened yesterday - lots of shoppers out and about. No golf courses The Golfer was heard to moan about on the phone to one of his mates
Golf courses should have been first to open. Loads of space to keep their distance. He has every right to moan!
DeleteI haven't been away from home for two weeks, but will do so today. We now HAVE to wear masks at the shops, but otherwise nothing much has changed.
ReplyDeleteI'm not looking forward to having to wear a mask to go shopping but probably won't happen very often.
DeleteNasty the way we all spit at each other
I think we are all looking forward to a bit more freedom :)
ReplyDeleteEveryone has something they want to get outside for. The library, my brother wants to go trout fishing in his little boat, others are waiting for Bunnings to open they say.
DeleteJust a step further
Our freedom is coming bit by bit with some voluntary self isolation to be thrown in for the oldies. Makes sense.
ReplyDeleteYes, self isolation for the oldies seems to be the case everywhere. Step by step.
DeleteThere will be the media over here who will make themselves awkward by wanting every dot and every tee crossed but I think those who have the commonsense to do it can make it work.
DeleteWe still have an update everyday and some of the questions afterwards are unbelievably stupid. I always presume they are asking so the simplest minds in the population hear the answer and understand. But the simplest minds don't watch news bulletins.
DeleteExactly, commonsense. Some people have more than others!! We are in a virus free area so I'm not worried about going out. Don't want to at the moment. Even getting a straight fringe doesn't inspire me to leave this fresh air and open countryside
The press questions we get in the main only seem to reflect total inability of the press to listen to what has just been said, remember questions that we all heard the night before and have already been covered, even quite specific things, or take on board that it is not them, the media, who are running the country. My brother and his wife have both said that they wish to isolate for longer and they will do so as a personal choice, no big deal. I will slowly get back to normal.
Deleteoh ouzo! something I remember from my younger party days, i use to really enjoy it. My other half makes his own alcohol so I really should ask him to make me some.
ReplyDeleteIt's exciting to be able to go out again. We are getting there, little by little, but I stay in, too!