Wednesday 6 November 2019


The greening has begun.

The nasturtiums are slowly taking over this corner. It's usually choked by clover. Time will tell which 'plant' wins

Our first tonne of olive wood has been delivered. It's still far too warm to even think about fires thank goodness but we'll be ready when the north winds blows down from the russian steppes

The shade cloth finally came down

Our white bougainvilia is in full bloom. It usually starts at the end of September when the dark magenta bougainvillia is faded and dry.
It is very  late blossoming this  year. 
The roses had withered and dried, lost all their leaves from some disease but are now leafy green with loads of buds.

The olive harvest has just begun, a few weeks later than usual.
The first olive pressings are only giving a litre of oil for every 8 kilos of olives. That is a poor result. After the next rain the olives will be plump and lush. 
These early unripe olives are full of antioxidants but produce much less oil.  
A good oil production around here is 5-6 kilos of olives to the litre of oil.


  1. Those nasturtiums will make an excellent green manure. You can either cut them down and dig them in or add them to the compost heap. Great pile of logs. Do they give off an almond aroma?

    1. No aroma except smoke. The pine wood let's off a wonderful aroma but the resin clogs up the chimney so we don't use it. Pity, because the island has acres of pine

  2. Replies
    1. Live nasturtiums. I hope they choke the clover. I spread their seeds all over the garden

  3. We've had a couple of evening fires, but not really needed as yet. When I was a student we once held a 'bring a dish' meal with several other students, where everything had to cost less that a 'shilling'. One friend spread Marmite very thinly on the inside of Nasturtium leaves, then rolled them into tiny tubes. They were very good.

    1. Marmite on nasturtium leaves. Hmm,interesting. Don't think I'll try it though

  4. It’s cold and wet here. So I guess we are hanging onto the winter for a little while longer.
    The extra rain will be good for our gardens so I really don’t mind

    1. More rain last night. The lettuces are living it. Sunshine and hot today.
      Don't worry , your summer is coming....or maybe you should worry. This time of the year is great.

  5. Aren't Nasturtiums a good thing? They're edible right, so you can put them in salads etc, hope they win over the weeds.

    1. I'm on the side of the nasturtiums too! Love the colour of the flowers and we do eat the leaves hidden in a lettuce salad.
