Monday, 24 February 2025


 Dubai chocolate.......

What the hell is this new fad

A chocolate bar made from milk chocolate filled with a sweet cream made from pistachios, finely chopped katayfi pastry and tahini.

Dreamt up by a chocolatier in Dubai in 2021.

Thanks to TikTok everyone's suddenly talking about it.  So I had to google, didn't I!!

Now I want to eat it

This is the Greek brand of Dubai chocolate. Now available in every supermarket and small grocery.
There is a catch. Other chocolate bars this size cost around 2 euro. This one sells for over 4 euros.

How long can I last without buying it and eating it?

Hopefully the price will stop me from reaching out to grab it from the shelf!

I've just found out that granddaughter Nels has made this chocolate!! She'll be back this weekend for the big Lenten celebration. 
She will be making some for us... Or else. 

Wait for the next episode..... 


  1. Darn you Linda. I googled and its available in nz. I know what I'll be ordering time I wake at 3 am and need to do something
