Tuesday, 31 December 2024


 NZers will soon be waking up to a sunny first morning of 2025.

Perth West Australia will be clicking over to their new year in less than half an hour.

Poros Greece, we have almost 6 hours to go. Plenty of time to make a Vassilopita, New Years cake with lucky coin, bake a loaf of bread with another lucky coin and cook some bifteki. 

K needs a hearty meze, snack, with his wine so he can get through to midnight without going to sleep. 

I probably will go to sleep. New Year's eve no longer excites me. 

Poros Harbour this morning was sunny and bright. There was happy Christmas music warbling out from speakers along the front. Groups of young children banging triangles and singing the New Years Carol.

The shops were brightly decorated, people everywhere calling out

Kali Chronia

Happy New Year


Chronia Polla

Many years..many happy returns.  

Playing quoits in the square with a friendly Elf

The Poinsettia, Alexandrino, in greek
Is the Xmas flower
If you've got very green fingers you may even be able to keep it alive for a few months 

Our good luck Boska
Hanging on the front gate

Wishing for you all in
Good Health
And Prosperity


  1. I have not stayed up for New Years Eve celebrations for years Linda. Wishing you and everyone in Poros a wonderful 2025.

    1. Wishing you and your family a wonderful year with good health and wealth, gardens that give and animals that thrive

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR....😘

    1. Happy New Year with good health and a little wealth

  3. Happy New Year for a great 2025 and many more tales of festivals and events to share with us Linda. I always look forward to your posts here. I am having lamb tonight, tv. and an early night. I don't particularly celebrate New Year, I see new beginnings can take place whenever we want them to.

    1. Enjoy your lamb and your early night. Most see New Year as a time to make a change. But life just continues on. There will be many more festivals. The first on January 6th. I need a holiday from all this stuff!

  4. Happy New Year from a wet and windy island in the middle of the Irish Sea. I look forward to reading your blog posts throughout 2025 .. to keep me warm 😁

    1. Wet and windy? Welcome home.
      Wishing and hoping for you..... A happy 2025 with lots of sunshine

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family, enjoy your blog very much. I don’t celebrate NY, last night I watched Pulp Fiction for the first time ever, in bed by 10.30, then moved rooms at 3am due to persistent snoring. Looking forward to a happy year of reading and drooling over meat on spits. Marie, Melbourne,Australia

    1. Hi Marie!! A fan!! Thanks for telling me. Always helps to know someone besides my family enjoys the blog. Keeps me keeping on.
      Wishing you a very happy 2025 with peace and silent nights

  6. Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year dear friend.

    1. Thank you so much. A very happy and healthy 2025 to you and your family. Love reading about another expat! Love from greece

  7. Happy new to you and your family.
    I too went to sleep. The days of staying up and partying are long gone

    1. Wishing you all down there a fabulous 2025. Thank you for sharing your life and those sweet girls. Filakia

  8. Happy New Year from 'snowing as we speak' western Canada. Have spent most of the day watching New Year celebrations around the world!!

    1. Happy snowy new year!! We almost got a smattering of snow. Now the sun is shining bright.
      Wishing you all the very best

  9. Happy New Year to you all. I happened to wake just before midnight and only realised when all the fireworks started.

    1. I actually stayed up till midnight. Absolute silence up here. I would have liked to have seen a few fireworks
      Happy and healthy 2025

  10. Happy New Year to you all, I went to bed at 11 and slept through the fireworks.

    1. Happy 2025. I would have been quite OK to retire early but watched TV till midnight.
      Wishing you another year of fabulous quilting

  11. Like you, I fail to get excited about New Year. We must all now remember to write 25 instead of 24. Very best wishes, Cro xx

    1. Oh yes, that new number takes a bit of getting used to. I've already made 1 mistake.
      Happy 2025

  12. Happy New Year Linda!

  13. Happy NewYear Linda, love to you and your family
    The old year left and the new one arrived here without me being present…..happens every year now so they know the ropes and just get on with it 😊
    I’m looking forward to reading/hearing more of your tales of life on a Greek island in the Mediterranean- this time in 2025 with an occasional flash back to earlier times.

    1. Ahhh, Cathy, thank you. I should write more about earlier times. I still have copies of letters written to my parents in 1976!

  14. HAPPY NEW YEAR Chick. Love all your traditions. Here of course, the Pohutakawa is our Christmas flower.
