Monday 6 February 2023

Not Barbara-Ann either

 Woke up this morning to hear the beach boys 🎶Barbara Ann🎶 being blasted out from the morning tv news show.

'Barbara-Ann' this storm is not. No tanned bods balancing on surfboards around here at the moment. 

The sun is shining but the atmosphere is icy. Good old K who gets up long before me had lit the fire. 

I'm sitting with the sun pouring through the big windows and as close to the fire as I can.

Then there's the tremendous earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We didn't feel it here but the islands over on the coast must have been rocked by that 7.8 tremor .

Greece and Turkey usually forget their differences at times like this and  send rescue workers and other aid. Ordinary Greeks and Turks offer assistance and sympathy. 

Politicians convene think-tanks to make the most of the situation. And then continue their aggressive policies.

News is just coming in.

 Along with live broadcasts of a snowy central Athens.

A light cover of snow on the Acropolis


  1. There have been pictures of. Very snowy mountain from the island of Samos. It must be very cold. I hope you all stay safe. Stay inside by the fire and have a drink or two to help you keep warm

    1. I'm allowing myself a glass of wine but I'm staying safe and warm right beside that fire!

  2. This is a day or even more than one to hibernate with food water (drinkies and craft).
    Do you have a winter swim club on Poros….you know the one where all those game swimmers take to the sea in the middle of winter. Fools that they are they seem to enjoy it😂

    I’m glad there was none of that white stuff there when we visited in 2014!

    1. Actually a number of people do swim in the sea through winter. Including my daughter and granddaughter. Bet no one is breaking the ice today!!

  3. Barbara arrived here today. It weakened a lot on the way but still strong winds and a lot of rain. Tomorrow all this will be behind us..

    1. It's still freezing here but no rain or snow. I think we will have better weather tomorrow too.

  4. We are getting coverage of that earthquake, and my heart bleeds for those poor people. So much destruction and so cold ...

  5. Now if the politicians can put their issues aside at times like this why in the name of all things holy, can they not put on their big boy pants and behave like decent human beings the rest of the time?

    1. That is the million dollar question. It's all about power and money.

  6. Shame the politicians cant remember they were once ordinary people.

    1. Their memories are short when they live in golden palaces

  7. It's at times like this that makes silly political squabbles seem so unnecessary. In times of real need people usually put down their guns and help one another. Thank goodness.

    1. I did notice though that Erdogan mentioned help from the EU, Britain and other countries but he didn't actually mention Greece. He couldn't quite take that step after all the latest threats and propaganda

  8. I was thinking of you when I heard about the earthquake LA. There's a beach near me that was formed from the Lisbon earthquake and Tsunami in the 1700s.

  9. I was thinking of you and your family too when news of the earthquake in Turkey hit, those poor people, good to know they are still finding those alive though.

  10. I'm so glad to hear that you and the family are safe, the devastation is awful.
    We had about the same amount of snow as in the photo ~ it was all gone except in the shady spots by mid afternoon.
    I'd hang out by the fire with you & have some wine! Sounds great!
