Thursday 12 September 2024

Wet Day - No Ramble

 A storm system raced through Greece giving us a day of rain and thunderstorms

 You should have seen the rush at 1 oclock when the restaurant opened. There wasn't much else to do but drink  and eat. 
We were at the restaurant at 1.05 and so were 50 others. The queue snaked around the seating area. 
But they served us all quickly. You pick up your tray, your bread and your cutlery, slide it along in front of the giant dishes of food and point out what you want. 
The paypoint is at the end. Just as we reached the cash desk the lights went out. Blackout. No tills working.
Just our luck.
But this is the Greek Navy! In a few minutes they had generators up and running.

The rest of the day was spent reading or sitting on the balcony watching the lightening display.  Every few seconds the sky would be lit up by a brilliant flash. Fortunately the storm wasn't on top of us and the thunder wasn't ear splitting.
By morning the sun had come out and it was another swimming day.

I'm reading 3 books at the moment. 
One is written by an Englishman building a house in the Greek city of Nauplion in the 80s. He was married to Nina Bowden who is apparently a British author.
It's interesting because I know Nauplion well and Greece in the 80s.  He includes the politics back then and a little history.
The second book is a who-dun-it written by Frances Fyfield who is described as the best crime writer alive. Yeah, right.
And a book by Wilfred Thesinger an explorer from the early 1900s. His books are always well written and enjoyable even if a little old.

My red stemmed glass was given to me to enhance my summer drinking enjoyment by friend Jan. Thanks Jan.


  1. That sounds like a great thunderstorm - wonderful to be able to enjoy it in the shelter of a comfortable place with a glass of something cool and refreshing.

    1. We were lucky the rain wasn't blowing onto our little balcony and it was warm. Perfect spot for storm watching

  2. I have heard of Wilfred Thesinger before so did some research to refresh my memory. He sounds like he was a most interesting character so I imagine his books reflect that.
    Glad the thunderstorm was not directly over you, so you were able to enjoy it :)

    1. I like those books by explorers of days gone by. Freya Stark is another whose books I've read

  3. Sounds like a perfect holiday really. What is the boom about the house in Nauplion?

    1. The book is Attic in Greece by Austen Kark. The attic being the top floor of a house in the old town of Nauplion redone in the most luxurious way. Pendeli marble for a start

  4. After all that heat I hope the thunderstorms didn’t add to the humidity. Love the wine glass

    1. The humidity wasn't too bad. But thank goodness we have aircon in the room. It's nice and fresh now

  5. I love a good noisy storm. It's the best show on earth.

    1. The lightening flashes were coming really fast. Spectacular

  6. Good you were inside and sheltered from the storm. Love watching lightning over the sea.

  7. I love a good thunderstorm - as long as I'm not out in it. And love your red glass :)
