Sunday 30 June 2024

First Swim

June 2024
Our first swim in the sea. 

A dismal sight on an island that lives from tourism.
A dusty beach.  No shade and not a drop to drink
Our local beach, Vayonia, which I write about every year.
We miss the old days when we swam and then sat at the beach bar enjoying an iced coffee.  K talked with the lads there and I read my book.
People still come, cars line the beach but it's not an enjoyable experience.  Many come, take a look, turn around and leave.  Groups of young tourists on quad bikes drive in yelling, noisy and belligerent and do wheelies along that stretch of dusty foreshore kicking up clouds of dirt, reving their engines and being damn annoying.
In the days of the beach bar the boys cleaned flotsam and jetsam from the sea and kept the beach clean, watered down the dust and dirt.

Where the locals gather
Under the only shade. Trees hanging down over a small piece of beach.

Days gone by

The beach as it once was

A much younger Poppi

Fun in the sun
Jumping off the rocks
Under parental supervision

Beach bar

About 10 years ago
Papou with the grandchildren
I remember this. The kids had a sleepover and we went down at 8 am, waking up the sleepers on the yachts in the bay. Then we had a picnic breakfast. When the bar opened we all went for coffee and drinks. Great memories.

The canteen was closed down by the archeological department and by complaints from the one house on the beach. They turned it into a Airbnb and didn't want a noisy bar in front of them.  The visitors who stay there might have thought differently. It was rarely open at night and would have given the people who stayed there a place to drink and buy easy Greek  meals. Greek salad and souvlaki



  1. What a shame that so much has changed all because of someone making a complaint. It doesn't seem right, somehow.

    1. It just took that one person to tip over the decision. Now even the Mayor says it is very difficult to get permission from whoever is in charge. Down there it is the ministry of Archeology

  2. It only takes one person to complain and it’s ruined for everyone. Some people are so rude

    1. He is extremely unpopular and I don't think he visits Poros anymore. The house is a family one, now an airbnb. He didnt even live in it himself

  3. Obviously some very small-time thinking on behalf of the local authorities. What's the first thing we all think of when the words 'small Greek island' are mentioned. lovely beach, crystal clear water, and a small taverna. Maybe someone should tell them that!

    1. Exactly!!! Theyre doing all they can to send people to more amiable islands

  4. Shame about one person ruining it for everyone else. I would have thought it was the ideal place to take all your visitors. I assume the quad bikes racing up and down are more to the taste of both the house owner and the Ministry of Archaeology (not).

    1. It used to be the ideal place. We would sit there, swim, read and stay hours. They had a shower and toilets as well. All gone

  5. What a shame. We have issues here in Auckland where people buy a home next to the speedway and then complain about the noise for a few hours on a Saturday. I love that old photo of all the grandkids!

  6. Some people are complainers but thats ridiculous. And this!

  7. It's horrible when places change.
