Monday, 10 March 2025


 Did JFKs driver turn round and shoot him in the head?

I hadn't heard of this conspiracy theory. My daughter sent me a video last night. A new video is supposed to show Jackie holding Kennedy after the first shot which got him in the throat. Then the driver turns around and gives him the fatal shot which blows his head to pieces. 
It just sounds incredibly unlikely. 
The motorcade was surrounded by people waiting to see the President. Jackie sat beside  Kennedy, Texas Governor Connelly and his wife were in the seats in front. Special Agent Kellerman sat beside the driver. There were Special Agents close behind and motorcycle officers riding next to the limousine . No-one saw the driver turn and shoot? 
The film is apparently a grainy, poor quality video and what it shows is very unclear. 

Another entertaining theory. 

And here are more...... 

Did the Americans really land on the moon. Or was it all filmed at Area 51 in Nevada and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Millions (of Americans) still believe it was an elaborate hoax. 

Is Elvis still alive. 

Was Princess Diana murdered. And were the British Royal family behind it.

 Was Queen Elizabeth actually a reptilian shape shifter. 

Are aliens living amongst us

Is the earth really flat

Was Amelia Earhart captured by the Japanese.  

Did Atlantis exist. 

Was the US government behind the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers.

Did Paul Cartney die in 1966 in a car crash and was his place taken by a look-alike so the show could go on. His looka-like, Billy Sheers, not only closely resembled him but could also sing like him and write songs. Hmm mm.. 

The covid-19 virus was released to control population on our overpopulated planet.

Did the covid vaccinations contain computer chips so Bill Gates can follow our movements. Lucky him following my life. Yawn. 

Bill and Hillary Clinton assassinated more than 50 of their  opponents. 

Brigitte Macron was actually born a man. 

They go on and on and get wilder and wilder. 

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Train Crash

 2 years ago 57 people died in a horrific train wreck in Central Greece.  Most of them were young students on their way home from a big  Greek family holiday.

Their mothers, like mothers everywhere, told their young ones

'Call me when you arrive'. But the calls never came. 

It was a head-on collision between a passenger train and a freight train carrying a flammable cargo . A fireball completely wiped out the first two carriages.

The crash was initially blamed on human error but the investigation revealed an out of date safety system, staff shortages and poor training.  The rail greek rail system is one of the most dangerous in Europe.

Families are accusing the government of a cover-up, mishandling of evidence and demand answers and justice for their children. Last week millions of Greeks protested all over the country and strikes brought the country to a halt.

It was estimated that there were almost half a million in the centre of Athens.
The red rings Parliament buildings. The blue arrow is where my grandson was standing.
All those roads are packed with people, young, old, families, peacefully protesting against the government and it's failure to respond to this real Greek tragedy.
My grandson told me it was a quiet protest, no shoving or shouting.  

However he has a contact in the police force and had been warned. The police would step in at 1pm to break it up with tear gas, stun grenades, baton charges and water cannons.
And that's what happened.  Riot police squads moved in chasing the crowds as they were dispersing.
Water cannons appeared, showering the crowd that remained with water at high pressure although tv cameras showed protesters, young and old, trying to move out of the way with their hands raised to show they had no weapons.
A peaceful demonstration turned into a riot.


George and his sisters live 20 minutes from the centre of Athens .  He made it safely back to their apartment but police chasing ..... innocent civilians, reached the square below and started throwing tear gas.

Up in their 3rd floor apartment the gas made their eyes stream.  Meanwhile down below riot police were firing tear gas into the underground station.  To get an idea of the turmoil below just look at the photo.  The tear gas was thrown in one subway entrance, the red arrow, travelled underground obviously right through the metro station and the blue arrow shows where the gas escaped many metres away at the other entrance in the middle of the square. Anyone down there would have been almost asphyxiated.

Huge demonstrations were held all over Greece including Poros. 
There were protests all over the world, London, New York, Sydney. 
The photo above was taken outside the Beehive (Parliament building) way down in Wellington New Zealand.

Tomorrow there will be a No Confidence vote to try and bring down the government. The ruling New Democracy party has a majority so the motion is just symbolic.

Meanwhile protests continued on into the night again and a vigil is being kept in front of Parliament buildings where the names of the 57 victims have been written in red paint.
Today the mothers of the children who died in the crash spoke in Athens main square, expressing their pain and anger. 
Followed by 57 seconds of silence.
They'll stay there till the No Confidence vote tomorrow, and probably beyond.

My Front Line Reporter

That young bearded protester on the right is George, caught by the cameras. 
He's out there everyday. Protesting peacefully.
Adding his presence to the demand for justice for so many young souls who's lives were snuffed out long before they should have been.  Students like him

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

More High Jinks


The carnival is over but the photos remain
3 of my girls. Well 2 and a donkey!  Ready for an evening's fun.  
Donkey, Princess Fiona and Shrek

Now dressed up as a housewife serving the pasta

Acting up in the kitchen
Poppi with Aunty Elli

Wishing and hoping...
Drop me a crumb
Just a wee crumb

The boys sit tight while the cleanup and sorting out of leftovers takes place.
We don't need them in the kitchen too. 

The boatman's cap

There's always something left behind. Glasses, keys, phones and once it was the dog!

One Clean Monday tradition we didn't bother with this year....flying a kite.
Except Poppi.
She took her goddaughter up to the Old Mill
There's the kite way, way up  in the sky

Old hands and young

Granddaughters brought a red and white March bracelet for everyone.

These magical bracelets will protect us from the 'burning March sun'. 
No chance of sunburn for us!

 Because there ain't much sunshine at the moment

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Most Important Monday

 Seafood  and celebration 

The start of Lent

One of the biggest holidays

Traditional food and fun

In a photo parade...

All the traditional edibles

And busy family

Octopus hanging out to dry before it goes on the bbq

Cauliflower, carrots and turnip
Hot peppers
Olives, of course

Octopus boiled and dressed with olive oil and vinegar

Steamed crab
Eaten as-is

Shrimp/prawn spaghetti
The hit of the day
Made by daughter Elli.

Homemade lagana, flatbread. 
Hot from the oven they're irresistible, especially smothered in taramasalata.
I'll be sweeping up sesame seeds from the floors and rugs for the next month

The boys were busy outside grilling and frying

And enjoying themselves with ouzo and whatever came off the bbq

Meanwhile inside..
Poppi and Boem (also known as Rusty) 

Elli and Poppi having fun? 

The female family members chopped and cooked, set up the table, cleaned and washed up

Danae and Nels and Poppi again
Chopping, stirring, plating, serving

Jan and I keeping an eye on the boys

Luli and her Mum

The boys at a loaded table

And that's the immediate family....
Except Jamie who's in Athens studying. We missed you kiddo

Sunday, 2 March 2025


 1st March 

Time to  wear the Martis bracelet. Made from woven red and white thread.

A tradition dating back to the ancient Eleusinian Mysteries. Nowadays it is said the wearing of the bracelet will protect you from burning in the strong spring sun

Not much of that around at the moment 

And it's..

Carnival time!

There was a big party for the youngsters in the central square 

My grandchildren and my 'children' get dressed up in masquerade and dance the nights away.

Meanwhile back at the homestead I'm making bowls of roe 'dip'.
The pink stuff in the mixer is the fish roe

When fish roe is mixed with bread and potato, lemon juice and olive oil it turns into a smooth, not very fishy, spread.
All ready for Monday March 3. 
 Clean Monday .
The beginning of the 6 week Orthodox Lent.

Tomorrow the family will gather to eat octopus and squid and spiky sea urchins.

And mussels. But nothing like the huge juicy NZ mussels my downunder family are enjoying on their summer holiday fishing trip .  There's nothing quite like NZ green lip mussels fresh from the ocean. 

Slurped off the half shell with a squeeze of lemon juice. 

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Poros Photos


Good morning....... 

From our neighbourhood 

This is a photo taken by a neighbour of ours and posted on Facebook
She lives higher than us.  From our house, on the far left, we have a restricted view of the sea blocked by olive and cypress trees. They need a severe pruning.  At night we can only just see the far lights on the coast of Athens. 

My front garden covered in the green of clover and nasturtiums. I'm happy to survey this sea of green every morning when I open the shutters. 
Hidden in there are pots of celery and the wheelbarrow is full of rocket 

And in the back yard the green and yellow of the clover covers all of Ks 'treasures' . 

Two car ferries cross the wintery harbour from the island to the mainland
Photo by Christo, local photographer

Sailors at the Navy Base have a free Sunday with family and friends

I met these 500, 700, 900 ?, sailors on a walkabout with shouldered rifles. A police  car, our one and only, headed the parade with flashing lights. They waved at me to slow down and make way for the military column. 
Bringing up the rear was an ambulance and a Navy pick-up truck (ute) with it's bed full of casualties. Or that's what it looked like. 10 Ks on a country road in brand new heavy boots probably caused a few blisters. 

I had my phone hanging on a cord round my neck and was itching to take a photo. I did not. 
I didn't want to end up in the back of that police car. 

Monday, 24 February 2025


 Dubai chocolate.......

What the hell is this new fad

A chocolate bar made from milk chocolate filled with a sweet cream made from pistachios, finely chopped katayfi pastry and tahini.

Dreamt up by a chocolatier in Dubai in 2021.

Thanks to TikTok everyone's suddenly talking about it.  So I had to google, didn't I!!

Now I want to eat it

This is the Greek brand of Dubai chocolate. Now available in every supermarket and small grocery.
There is a catch. Other chocolate bars this size cost around 2 euro. This one sells for over 4 euros.

How long can I last without buying it and eating it?

Hopefully the price will stop me from reaching out to grab it from the shelf!

I've just found out that granddaughter Nels has made this chocolate!! She'll be back this weekend for the big Lenten celebration. 
She will be making some for us... Or else. 

Wait for the next episode..... 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Meat, Meat. Lots of Meat

 A Winter's Bbq..Thursday last

Tsiknopempti. Smokey Thursday.

Round 1.........

One of the most important days of the Greek carnival season. It's the 2nd to last Thursday before Lent. The tradition is to eat mounds of lamb chops, grilled or roasted, pork pancetta, sausage and chicken pieces. 

With Greek salad, Pitta bread and bowls of tzatziki.  And litres of wine, fine and not-so fine.

After the food and wine there may be singing and dancing.

Our Chief Bbq-er 

Me and Jan enjoying the finer wine
Beside a roaring fire
It was a freezing day. Around 7oC
Far too cold for greek island dwellers

K with a wee dram of the 'other' wine

This is 'meat eating week'.
 Next week it will be cheese, dairy and eggs. And then along comes the 6 week fast.

Round 2
In the evening family, a couple of grandchildren, came for more meat. Lots of meat. Far too much. 
They took home a baking dish piled high. We are still finishing off our share. 

It's the tradition says the traditional part of the family. 

And granddaughter Luli made a big dish of what the Greeks call 'mosaiko', chocolate and crushed biscuits.
Boy was it good. I ate a big piece. And I shouldn't have. Especially after all that meat

Meanwhile back in Athens... 

The rest of the grandchildren were grilling out on their balcony
Tall grandson is the one in the middle