Sunday 2 June 2024

Last Minute


K was just going out when he met one of our neighbours who has a digger.  He grabbed him and his machine, as you do here,  and brought him down to the olive tree next to our house.  The neighbour levelled out an area under the tree so we can can leave the car in the shade during midsummer heat.  We were going to buy a cover for the car but we have been advised against it.  The cover stops air circulating and will fast ruin the paintwork.  Apparently

The last of the work that needed to be done.
All those branches we cut behind the bbq were not taken away so they all dried out and become an even worse fire hazard.
2 nice young lads came along and dragged them out into a pile on the road and they have been removed.
They even had a handy chainsaw and cut some of the thicker pieces up for firewood.

A wide clear path behind the bbq.
Now we can safely roast the pig.
All  we need is a garden hose at ready and we are safe to go.
The day we roast the pig there should be only a very light breeze so the fire risk will not be high.
Temperatures are rising this week and by Wednesday it will be in the late 30s, C.  However the 30s at this time of the year are not too bad.  Nights are still cool for sleeping.

Visitors shouldn't suffer too much.  


  1. That's very handy to have the spot levelled under the tree. Every bit of shade counts for you I'm sure. It has been sunny here today and what a difference it makes.

    1. The olive tree is perfect. We saw today that it shades the car from the midday sun right into the evening

  2. Quick thinking, K!

    1. It was quick thinking! And the friend didn't mind . A bit cheeky really but good job done

  3. Have you had a lovely catch up! Rainy has stopped messaging so she must be too busy with my sister in law and her family

    1. Yes!! Met them off the boat then went to eat...and drink. Just luvly

    2. Nice having so many sis in laws 😁

  4. A big clean up. Sounds like your well and truly ready for the summer Nice ad safe

    1. Our house is clear but the next door piece of land is abandoned and is full of dry branches and grasses . Cross fingers

  5. The advice about car covers is correct - a panel beater once told us that he gets more work from people using covers than anything else.
    The tree shade is a much better idea :)

  6. When I was building my 'tower' a neighbour just happened to pass by on his tractor, and he kindly helped lift the huge Oak central beam into place. I don't know how I would have done it without him.

    1. That's rural Europe for you!! Good neighbours, great community as you know so well. Everyone helps their neighbours and shares bounty. Or did!

  7. It looks like a Bob Cat skid steer loader Linda. They use them for mucking out loode houses on farms over here. It looks like you made a good job and a hard standing area for the car.

  8. Loose houses even. Silly autocorrect.
