Monday 10 June 2024

Greek Island Happening

Finally time for our downunder family and friends to arrive. After months of anticipation.
And arrive they did, 6 of them came down the gangplank and into the warm embrace of a late summer evening on a Greek Island

Obligatory 'walking down the gangplank' photos.
The hydrofoil turned up right bang-on-time. That was something we didn't expect. Half the Poros family were a little late to the welcoming party.
Island time is a little behind city time.

From the hydrofoil, they dropped off their bags at the hotel and went straight to Sofia's taverna-by-the-sea for kalamari.

Only there was no kalamari.

Sunday afternoon at a beach taverna is more than bustling with diners.

 Summertime. Swimming. Icy drinks. Greek salads and kalamari. The lunchtime crowd ate all the kalamari

Didn't matter. She does the best grilled chicken on the island. And the best Greek salad.

Anyway, we had a reason to return again and again. And again.

First morning tradition.
Coffee at the Blue Chairs.
Cold coffee followed by something even cooler.
Time to catch up

Neil and Ann
The way to get around.
A buggy or a quad bike

Octopus hanging out to dry before it goes on the grill

Second night tradition.
Ouzo and octopus.

And the pig too
At long last.
The pig

Pig prep
Blasting away it's moustache

Boys work
Pushing that spit from one end to the other.

And finally lifting it onto the Bbq 

A good time was had by all.
Including the grandsons.  Amazing, how low the level in the the whiskey and rum bottles dropped.

Lots of laughter.
Lots of beer
Lots of local rosé
.....written pozé in Greek
and renamed by the kiwis.
Pozé it is

Finished off by bite sized pieces of baclava, dripping honey syrup.
We ate well so K was happy. There were leftovers but not too many.  
The pig head is in the freezer.
The trotters will be made into broth .


  1. Did you mean Petros taverna owned by Sophia ?

    1. You've got it!! The end of Neorion. She's our favourite at the moment. Visitors love the kalamari. Came all the way from NZ to eat it 😅

  2. It all looked so fabulous. Shitty when they have to go ..till next time

    1. Till next time. They've assured me there Will be a Next Time 😀

  3. So much fun! Good food, good company and lots to drink!

    1. We could have done with less to eat. But it's Greek tradition

  4. What an awesome time you have given your visitors (and had yourselves!). It will be a holiday that will never be forgotten :) xx

    1. They have the most wonderful holidays. They make the most of Europe. They're off cycling in Croatia now

  5. That looks so wonderful! I chuckled about the octopus hanging there! Just can’t imagine that! Have a great time! -Jenn

    1. Thank goodness for traditional husband. He still does peculiar things like that and visitors love it

  6. I would have thought you'd be eating Pork until Christmas!!!

    1. Surprisingly we ate just about all of it. Had a couple of cold pork lunches and that was it

  7. Wonderful to have family staying

  8. It looks like a good time was had by all.

  9. I can imagine how wonderful it is to be your guests.

    1. Don't know. Everyone was complaining that they were eating too much lol

  10. What a fabulous time by all.... You certainly know how to feast :)

    1. Unfortunately yes. Plenty of food. Too darn much.

  11. We had the most wonderful time and sad to leave. Already starting to plan our next visit - whenever that might be. We will be back for Sophia’s calamari, Danaes poze, the wonderful view from Elli’s rooftop plus of course Linda and kosta’s wonderful company and hospitality

    1. K is already planning next year's menu too 😁 you'd better be back!!
