Tuesday 11 June 2024

9 June a Long One

 A day when so much happened. One thing which didn't happen was us winning the euroJackpot.

Got that covered. I'll keep on playing the same numbers until I do win.

..... RIP Michael Mosley

Diet Guru and TV Presenter

Dr Mosley had been missing for 4 days on the small rocky island of Symi.  It's out near Rhodes and just across from the coast of Turkey.

The outlook was a bit grim. He was last seen on CCTV camera wandering off into a barren and rocky terrain with no shade, in blistering 38oC heat. 

He managed to reach the coast, via an almost impassable rocky track, but collapsed 10 metres from the sea, from heat stroke and exhaustion I presume. Greek news said he was found in a recovery position, feet slightly elevated, hands over his breast. He just couldn't go any further, lay down and passed away.

My brother Tony and I watched the search progress and hoped for a positive end. Alas.

I first heard of him in 2019. He had written several books on Intermittent fasting, weight loss and the control of blood sugars.

My younger brother was staying with us, as he is now, and we discussed the diet, Fast 800, which he had followed to successfully control his diabetes. I bought one of Dr Mosley's books later and in 2020 started my 4 year weight loss.  I did intermittent fasting and loosely followed Mosleys 5.2 diet for a year, losing 12 kilos with little effort.

He was well known and very well liked,  becoming a tv personality, converting people to a healthy lifestyle. His presentation was easy to understand and follow. I also tried his  HIIT exercise programme.  HIIT is a high  intensity workout which takes little time but has maximum results.

Look him up, it will be worth it.  His legacy lives on.

.....European Union Elections

No-one gives a damn about these. Whoever gets elected is immediately forgotten. You never hear from, or about them, till the next elections in 5 years time...unless they're involved in some money making scandal or are accused by the 'me too' brigade as some were in recent years. The rest of them enjoy a 5 years holiday in Brussels living it up on their 100,000 euros a month.

The results here were more or less what we expected. Less than 50% voted overall and here on Poros it was 38%, less than 2,000 people.

The island was full of visitors for the long weekend. Schools were closed Friday and the following Monday so teachers could go home and vote. Also the schools here are used as voting stations. 

The island made some extra money and visitors had a 4 day weekend by the sea. Voting was not part of the holiday packet. 


The first 'fournia' ('ovenful' as they say here) of visitors left a few days ago.  My younger brother, Tony, and sister-in-law Rainy have also left, on their way to more adventure.  They are now doing a cycling and yachting trip through some of  Croatia.  2 years ago they did a cycling trip through France, biking alongside canals, through shady lanes, villages and towns. 

I'm extremely lucky to have such  close family here and downunder, family who love Poros, and us, and return again and again. We are family. One large, extended Greek Kiwi Australian family. 

Obligatory 'walking Up the gangplank' photos. A last farewell to dear little bro and kiwi sis-in-law. Adieu but not goodbye. See you again soon 

And farewell to dear friends

Farewell kiwis. Gary and Sherryn on their way to meet more family in Europe.

We are just a port on most people's journey. If you're coming this far, 12,000 miles if I remember rightly, you might as well explore a little more of Europe. I totally understand.

And look, who's coming Down that gangplank

Niece Julie with husband Craig ( known as Greg here. It's easier for them to get their tongue around)

But more of all these kiwis in another post. 


It got hot toward the end of last week but now temperatures are climbing into the late 30s.  40s in other places in the country.  At this time of the year these temps are bearable.  Nights are still cool enough for a sleep with windows open and a fan.  It's when the nights get hot and it's 28oC at 3am that we suffer.  There is a slight breeze today and cicadas are trilling happily, but not deafening.  Yet

Poros Council has opened airconditioned rooms for those without air con. We used our aircon yesterday for siesta and probably will today.  It's 1pm and I'm happy sitting beside the open window.  I'll be looking for cold though, not just cool, well before 5pm when the days heat has concentrated into a furnace.      I'm drinking lots of , sugar free, ice tea that I make myself,  It's very refreshing.

......Coldplay Concert

Granddaughters saw Coldplay live in Athens. 

All more or less in one day.



  1. RIP Michael Mosley.....such a sad loss....😥

    1. Very sad. I wonder how he ended up on the path he took. Maybe he was already disoriented, in distress. And he almost made it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good to spend happy times with family.

  4. Wow, long post - but I enjoyed reading it all :) Sad to see family and friends depart but so special that they can visit. May that gangplank always be busy! xx

    1. It was a short visit this year but we packed a lot in. They've visited many times before and know where they want to go and what to do. Lovely that they come back again and again

  5. You certainly do know how to pack everything in Linda.

  6. It’s lovely having a house full of People. Laughing and enjoying time together. I do like it when everyone goes home and I’m all alone again too sometimes

    1. Me too 😁 we had a fantastic time together though

  7. Between 20 and 23 C here during the daytime, and pleasant at night. It seems as if your family had only just arrived. Still, I often find with visitors that 'short and sweet' is often best. I bet they had a wonderful time.

    1. They only stayed a week this time. It was quick but packed with happenings. One couple left today for London. From 40o to 20o. Bit of a shock

  8. How wonderful to have such a family.

    1. We all get on really well. But I always had a great relationship with my brothers

  9. Wonderful to have family and friends visit you. So sad to hear about Dr Mosley and so close to getting help.
