Wednesday 5 June 2024


Athena... Or Athens to you.
If you're coming to Athens, for the first time or the umpteenth time, find a hotel with a roof garden and a view of the Acropolis and the Parthenon on top.
The old area around the Plaka has a few.  I can think of the Plaka Hotel and then there is Athens Gate.  Athens Gate is right round the corner from the Acropolis museum which is well worth seeing.  It is also right opposite the impressive ruins of the Temple of Olympian Zeus. 

This is the view my family and our friends had while drinking their morning coffee and eating cornflakes and greek yoghurt.
There's obviously restoration  work still going on.  I can see the crane.  I haven't been up there for years.  

And this is the brilliant view they had while dining by night at a roof restaurant.


And..... this is the little Byzantine church of St Kathryn's, just around the corner from their hotel.
  K and I were married there 45 years ago.

The Evzones, Presidential guards outside Parliament Building
A hotel or airbnb near the Plaka means you're in the centre of Athens.  Museums, good shopping, the old residential area, eating places with traditional dishes are all within walking distance.

On their last visit my 'little' brother and sis-in-law stayed in the same area, even closer to that old Byzantine church.  Built in the 11th century on top of the ruins of a temple to Artemis, Goddess of the hunt.

There are more ancient ruins than you can shake a stick at. You need a couple of days.
When you are ready to move on there are several metro stations nearby which will take you out to the airport or down to the Port of Piraeus to catch a boat to a greek island paradise.

They have moved on to their island paradise.

To be continued


  1. Thanks for the advice. I could see it all without walking up hills.

    1. If you visit the well known places it will be crowded, probably hot and expensive. Much better to sit and drink a cold beer from up high somewhere and enjoy the noises, smells, views and atmosphere!

  2. Loving all that history. I'd love to see that view while eating.

    1. There's plenty to see but you need to keep your eyes open. Sometimes its just a few stones on the side of the street and a plaque saying they're 3,000 years old. A temple tucked away.

  3. My daughter and her husband are coming to Athens later this month and will be staying for a couple of nights before they leave on a cruise. I know they are very excited!

    1. Oh boy, I hope its cool enough for sightseeing. We are in our first heatwave. Very early this year

    2. Thanks for that, I just looked up the projected temperatures and yes, it's HOT. I'll let her know to be prepared.

    3. Hope she has a wonderful time. A cruise is the best way to go!!

  4. It’s been 13 years since we last climbed up to the Parthenon 🏛.
    I don’t know if we will ever set foot in the motherland again. But there is always hope

    1. 13 years. You and me! I hope we can both get back to see our motherland! And meet!!

  5. I am looking forward to seeing those Greek island paradises. I would like to visit Greece especially after reading your blog LA.

    1. Hope you make it!! Just dont come in July or August. Or this year June. Mind you it's great for sitting under an umbrella next to the sea and drinking a frozen something or other

  6. I have been to Athens several times, a long time ago, if I ever return to travel, Greece will be the first destination.

    1. Yael I hope you make it soon. With your family.

  7. Couple of days???? We had years (OK not in Plaka exactly but near enough) and still left with so much yet to see and experience. Above all what hits the memory cells is the sunshine in your photos, - the colour of the stone, it even evokes the smell of heat....

    1. You're right of course. I spent 10 years in Piraeus visiting all the sites. Lucky back then Greek citizens got free entrance to anything. And I went everywhere, with 2 small children

  8. So much history - mind blowing compared to our little blot in history! It must be fascinating, seeing and wandering around such amazing places :)

  9. Way back in the late 70's we stayed in a hotel near the Acropolis, it was a pretty run down place but we didn't care then and the view was amazing.
