Friday 14 June 2024

It's Hot in Greece

-  I'm so glad our visitors had their holiday before the highs of the heatwave hit.  It's way hotter than usual for early June.  Yesterday the whole country was a furnace.  Around 39oC on Poros and the low, at 3am was 29o. 44o elsewhere. We spent a lot of the day inside with the aircon turned on but went out onto the balcony in the evening as the sun went down.  We have a TV set up out there and got ready to watch the final of Greek Masterchef.  Around 10pm there was a hot breeze which seemed to suck out my energy.  I felt sick and went inside to the bedroom, turned on the aircon again and lay listening to my favourite Youtube channels till I felt better.  Which I did.  I didn't miss much on Masterchef.  The standards are so high now, all professional cooks, and either could have won.  One did.  Naturally.  I googled in the morning.  That's Masterchef over for another year.  

Olympics here we come.

Today, Thursday  is slightly cooler.  Less hot perhaps would be a better description.  The sky is covered, once again, with a dust cloud from the Sahara and is blocking the sun.

- Midsummer 

Midsummer in Greece is Monday 24th June.  It coincides, naturallly, with a church festival, the Fiesta of  Orthodox Saint, Saint John the Baptist.

It's the longest day of the year, Summer Solstice.  That mystifies me.  How can it be midsummer when summer is yet to come.  We might think it's hot now but July and August are 2 months of hot, hot and even hotter. 

- Pumpkins 

Pumpkins are growing and spreading their greenery out over the dry baked soil.  Most of them have come up by themselves, sprouting in potplants and the wheelbarrow.  I should have thinned them out but I didn't.  It's survival of the fittest around here.

St Luke -

11 June was the Fiesta of St Luke the doctor.  He was Russian, born in the Crimea.  There is a Russian church with onion dome near us dedicated to him.  I have been with K a couple of times to light a candle.  My daughter's m-in-law is a great believer in him and often recounts his miracles.  He's a recent saint, died in 1961.  And that's all I know about him.  The m-in-law often reminds me of saints days and holds this one in high regard.

Summer is full of Saints days and fiestas.  It was the time of the year when crops had been gathered and threshed and there wasn't much work in the fields.  Time to celebrate.

- More of the missing.  

An American, 59,  has been missing on the island of Amorgos, in the Cyclades, since Tuesday.  He went on a walk like Dr Mosley and hasn't been since.  News says he had 2 telephones with him but he's not answering.

Meanwhile on the island of Samos a Dutch tourist, aged 74, has been missing since Sunday.  He went off on a walk too.

There are huge search operations for them, naturally, on both islands.

Going off for a hike on a Greek island is not a sensible thing to do in the summer unless you're prepared for high temperatures and difficult terrain.  Walk to the supermarket for a 6 pack, walk to the beach, with friends.  Even then, take water, a hat, let people know where you're going and when you'll be back. 

- Next years visit

I had a long conversation this morning with my brother and wife about next year's travels. 

We have aussie visitors at the beginning of September, a short 2 day visit, and then nothing till 2025.  So far. 

Older brother (one of them ) doesn't want a pig on the spit.  Well, he may well do, but he has other plans.  We will be travelling up north together to Meteora and the monasteries perched impossibly on the top of high peaks overlooking the town of Kalabaka.  And then we will move on to visit Delphi, the navel of the world according to ancient Greeks.  



I've never been to Meteora so will be looking forward to that.  We'll be coming back to Poros for a few days.  Plenty of time for K to feed them mousaka, stuffed tomatoes, octopus and ouzo.  And lots of kalamari from Sophia's taverna.  

To finish off
a delightful photo
I think
of my younger brother and myself

More to come soon on visitors antics....


  1. That is a really lovely photo of you with your brother. A keeper.
    We have been complaining about our June weather here but I think perhaps I may prefer it to your heatwave. Hopefully we shall both find some middle ground soon.

    1. It's going to be 3o cooler tomorrow. That's a relief. Maybe you'll get those 3o and a bit of sunshine. You're welcome to it 😀

  2. Great photo of you and your brother, definitely a keeper :)
    What awful summer temperatures - I can see why you would like some of our rain!

    1. We had very hot winds too. Drying out everything even more. I hope we get a bit of relief from tomorrow

  3. Lovely photo Linda...

    1. It's not often I like a photo of myself . This one is really good

  4. Lovely updates. We've been watching MasterChef UK on tv via u tube. Love it . Also watch MasterChef the professionals.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if we got another MasterChef here. It's very popular

  5. I have been reading about the heat in Greece and also the other missing persons going walking alone and so immediately after Michael Mosley. Very sad. I watch MasterChef in UK, all of them professionals, amateurs and celebrities. It is my favourite programme! I love John Torode! Great photo too, as everyone else said, it is a good one.

    1. And now there are ao couple more missing people and a couple who have died from the heat. After Mosley I think we hear more about them. He brought all the problems with tourists and the heat to the fore. I hope there will be more warnings for tourists.

  6. That heat... OMG!! That is a lovely photo of you and you are looking so slim. I know you have lost weight but you are looking amazing.

    1. One day I'll post before after photos. There's a huge difference

  7. Weather here is very changeable. One minute hot, the next pouring rain. I used to go rambling on hot arid islands by myself, but never in 40 C. I hope those two are found alive. It does seem very foolhardy to go off like that, especially after the Mosley case.

    1. Yes Mosley was on the news for days and brought the problems into the news. It was so hot they even closed the Acropolis because people were fainting

  8. I do not do well in hot weather. I definitely stay inside with the air con on full
    The pumpkin vines will help to cool the ground and give you lots of fruit hopefully.
    My dads family come from Samos and I remember how hot it got last time I was there. How silly to walk around in that heat.
    Drink lots of fluids and stay cool. If I could I’d send your some of our record cold snap

  9. Too hot for me. Sounds like it's time to fill the fridge with cold beer.

  10. A severe heat wave here too. I am under the air conditioner today.

    1. I was watching the news today, thinking of you and wondering about the temperature there too. If it's hot here its even hot down in the middle east

  11. Love your blog, first time commenter. I am like you, so sad to see the sad news on Michael Moseley. I can’t believe that he’s a doctor, and should have known better. I agree with you, park yourself in an air conditioned bar, it’s pretty simple. I live in Melbourne, Australia but have an allegiance with NZ (ex-husband who I share a beautiful 39 year old daughter, Zoe, funnily enough). I’ve done lots of hikes over in NZ, totally love it. Marie, Melbourne, Australia

  12. Hi Marie, lovely to read a comment from another Australian. Lots of good hikes here, even on this island, but not in mid summer. There are 7 hikers either missing or dead now. Incredible.
