Sunday 27 August 2023

Fresh Lemonade


Our lemons are falling faster than we can deal with them.  We've given away bags and bags of them.  Time for drastic action.
I juiced dozens and dozens of the darn things and shall do another lot tomorrow.   This first lot of juice has been made into lemonade concentrate.

        I boiled 
- 1 big mug of water 
- 1 big mug of sugar
till the sugar dissolved.  Added
-  one big mug of lemon juice.  

When it cooled I put it all into glass jars and into the fridge.

To make lemonade fill a glass with 1/3 of the concentrate and fill up with ice and water.

If you don't like it sweet, add more juice and less sugar.

The rest of the juice goes into ice cube trays or into small plastic bottles and into the freezer.  There they'll join the 3 or 4 bottles that are there from 2 years ago.  We hardly think of the frozen juice because we always have fresh outside in the garden.


  1. There are no lemons on my lemon tree at all. I buy lemons unfortunately.

    1. Our trees are still full of lemons. I think their roots are drinking up the water running down the road. The trees are very close to the road

  2. Replies
    1. Many g&ts!! My daughter makes the best with this cordial 😀

  3. Limoncello. Is my first choice. There are lots of recipes for preserved lemons you could try some of those

    1. I have 2 jars of preserved lemons in the fridge which I made 2 years ago. I keep on forgetting to use them or the lemon ice cubes. We always have fresh.
      I need you to come and make the limoncello.

  4. Lemons are an autumn/winter crop here in Victoria.
    When we lived in Cyprus I discovered Brandy Sours…the lemon squash used was so very different to any I’d tasted before. They only used fresh local grown lemons to make it.

    1. Hmmm brandy sours. With that excellent Metaxa brandy. I shall get a bottle tomorrow

  5. I have about a dozen Lemons that I need to use. I shall make Preserved Lemons; simply cut, salted, and topped-up with water. They last for years. Essential in most N African cooking.

    1. I'm glad to hear they last for years. I have 2 jars in the fridge which are at least 2 years old. I just forget to use them. I'd better move them to the front of the fridge

  6. Yum. You could make lemon honey as well? My lemon tree is still quite small, we got a few little ones off it but I think it still needs to grow.

    1. Lemon honey is nectar of the Gods! I don't make it often because I'd eat it all. But actually I could make a couple of jars for the kids

  7. Sadly no citrus grows here, we have to buy from the grocery store.

    1. So you won't be wasting them making lemonade lol

  8. That's a good idea! I hope you actually use it all.

  9. Lemon Honey... OMG that stuff is so yum! You could make some of that like Amy suggested.

    1. I could buy it's so dangerous. I might 2 or 3 jars though and give it away. Quickly lol

  10. Thanks for the recipe, i slice or quarter lemons and freeze them for a G & T. Some have gone into marmalade too.
