Sunday 20 October 2024

Sunday Lunch

 A Sunday in mid October.  It wasn't very warm, only 22oC, with a stiff breeze.  K wanted to BBQ.  He had acquired a couple of octopus tentacles and he had it in his mind it was a day for ouzo and octopus.

The octopus tentacles were hung out to dry alongside my washing

Then on to the electric grill
With that brisk breeze it was not a day to light the coals.
There is still a fire ban in place

From the grill to the plate.
With a few squeezes of lemon juice and a sprinkling of oregano.  The perfect meze for ouzo.
Lemons are rather scarce at the moment.  Our trees have only a few hard green fruit.  At the greengrocer they are 1.70 euros a kilo.
On my daily walk I managed to pick a few green lemons* from neighbouring trees and they had quite a lot of juice.  
The meze was saved.  

After the first course there were grilled chicken wings and greek salad.  And wine

A friend, koumbaros** (the father of Ks, now 30 year old, godson)
stopped on his way home for a quick chat and an ouzo.
Quick chat and an ouzo.  This is Greece.
These 2 grew up together and are both ex-Navy. They have a lot in common.  Once they start talking they find it hard to stop.
4 hours later, after rather a lot of ouzo and wine, they finally decided it was time to break up the party.  

K was a happy camper after these hours of company, conversation, discussion and debate. It's what he loves.

*on today's walk I carried a back pack and some secateurs.  I only managed to cut half a dozen lemons by squeezing my hand through a nasty rusty fence. I need a grandchild, but most of them, including Poppi, have flown the roost. They're in Athens for the start of their tertiary studies.
Of course I could just ask. This neighbour would willingly open the gate for me. But stolen fruit is tastier. Or in this case, juicer. 

**koumbaros.  Bestman, groomsman or woman, godfather or godmother.  A  koumbaros becomes a close member of the family


  1. Not very warm?? Only 22C???
    Your Sunday lunch sounds like a relaxed and convivial affair.

    1. Yes, only 22. I had to wear a jacket as we sat in the shade.

  2. After trying and failing at growing lemons, I know I’m a bad Greek, I have finally have two that are fruiting.
    Stolen is always better. I find the same when I take cuttings. If I stole it, it always strikes

    1. You are, a good Greek. So many of them follow that adage... Stolen is sweeter. One of them used to steal outside pot plants on the way home from a taverna. He has a big lemon orchard and complains like mad when people sneak in a fill bags with lemons. Karma. Cuttings are fine.

  3. Sounds like the perfect day. Lemons.....nothing infuriates me more than paying for a lemon. Currently on holiday in Port Douglas (Far North Queensland, I’m from Melbourne), and Coles, one of the two multi nationals in Australia sells them for $1.50 each!! Same price all over Australia. I had to buy one to flavour the magnificent reef fish that I bought and cooked. At home I have access to friends lemons and juice them and freeze them in IceCube trays. Marie, Melbourne, Australia

    1. 1.50 for one lemon. Ye gods and little fishes. Greeks would riot. I too freeze lemon juice in ice block trays when we have a lot of fruit . We have plenty of them are using them now. But we must have fresh for octopus

  4. I can almost taste that grilled Octopus; I'm jealous.

    1. K is buying octopus when he finds them at a decent price and freezes them 2 tentacles to a bag. Then he always has a perfect ouzo snack
