Sunday 27 October 2024

26th and the 28th.....Celebrations

 26th October.  Happy Name day Danae mas and Jamie mas and anyone named Dimitri or Dimitra

Having coffee with daughter Danae and friends.
The sun was blazing.  A beautiful day.
The beginning of a 3 day holiday
culminating in OHI Day on Monday.  The day Greece replied NO to Mussolini's demand to walk in and occupy Greece. So began Greece's entry in to WW11

K replaced our Flag.  
The old one was faded and tattered.  We always have 1 or 2 spare.

Sunday 27th Lunch Time 

Grilled tuna Fillets.. 

A  rare occurrence. Filleted tuna. K rarely fillets fish
 It was so civilised eating fish without greasy hands.
Delicious. With an olive oil and lemon sauce and a lettuce salad also with oil and lemon juice. Still using my scavenged lemons. They are green but have lots of juice. 


  1. Fresh tuna is a luxury here. More expensive than fillet steak!

  2. Another day another celebration. Sounds good to me. x

  3. Happy name day Danae - chronia polla. You really do have an enviable social culture and climate to enjoy it in.

  4. It seems like you have wall to wall sunshine every day LA.
