Tuesday 22 October 2024

Out and About

 The days are cool  and still quite long.  We go off daylight saving on Saturday night Sunday morning. The days will start to draw in.  I have started walking, seeing the neighbourhood again, checking up on what's new and what's not.  

My first walk takes me within view of the sea and the bay below.  Nothing has changed here

We have had a few showers but no significant rainfall.
The fertile area with grape vines and olive trees is still very brown and dry

This beautiful stone house has finally been finished, after 15 years.
There were people there this summer.  The windows and shutters were open but I still haven't seen the owners.  They must live in Athens.  It's closed up and empty again

Even though it's so dry a few wild flowers have appeared amongst the rocks and dry stalks


And ?

Poros has a recently established system of old pathways.  They have been cleaned and cleared and a walking club tramps the paths.
These signs show where they go and how many kilometres each section is.

This is  a narrow rocky path which eventually leads down to the sea.  I started walking it today but it's very uneven and stony with dry branches poking out onto the path.  I didn't go far.  It's a bit precarious for a wobbly walker like me.

It's nice to be out in the fresh air in the evening for an hour or so.  There are bikers and runners about and quite a few quad bikes.  Poros still has tourists and late vacationers.


  1. It is good to get out for a walk while the weather is still good.
    Not too many scary dogs on your walk?

  2. What a lovely view with your first walk, it is always good to be able to be outside and comfortable in your own skin.

  3. It is looking very dry indeed. Hopefully the rains will come and it will al green up. Do you ever have water restrictions? Or is there plenty of water to last the whole of summer?
    Take care walking. We don’t need you falling down
