Friday 30 August 2024

End of August


The month finishes off with feasts and festivals naturally.

Monday 26th
Saints Adrianos and Natalia
Happy name day Natalia mou.

Tuesday 27th August
the fiesta of Agios (Saint) Fanourios.  He's the saint who finds lost items.  I should have made a cake in his honour.  K would have eaten it for breakfast this week.  But I didn't make it.  
Saint Fanourio's cake is made with no dairy or eggs.  The recipe calls for orange juice, olive oil , nuts and raisins.  It's good.  I make one whenever I lose something and call on Fanourio's help to materialise the lost object.  You're supposed to get it blessed and hand it around the neighbourhood.  I never do that though I give away as much as possible to family so we don't eat it all ourselves.

30 August
Fiesta for Alexandros,  Alexandra

23 August marks the end of the services for the 15th August celebrations.  These 2 picturesque little churches had services.  
The one above is on  Daskalio (Teacher's) island at the entrance to Poros harbour.  Little water taxis ply backwards and forwards. 

They're both dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Both churches attract a lot of people.  Poros still has a fair whack of greek visitors and most will go to one or the other church to light a candle and partake of the breads and offerings.
I haven't been to either in many years.

K's pickled fish.  Greek sousi or sushi as you know it.  

Full Moon Piano Concerto
Held in the grounds of the ancient ruins on the hill opposite us.
I went once.  The chairs were facing the wrong way so we couldn't see the full moon and I find piano music rather boring.
We heard some of it from our balcony.  That was enough. 

Drivers Licence.
I knew my driver's licence expired this year but thought it was not until December . I looked at it the other day and found it expired in January. I've been driving all this time without a valid licence. So today I'm running around gathering papers, seeing doctors and having my photo taken. Then I take all the papers to KEP, Citizens Help Centre here on Poros to get a temporary licence. I can use that till I get a new one from the Dept of Transport. That will take a few months.

How nice to think September is in sight.  September with slightly lower temperatures, maybe a bit of rain.  September with passable roads, free tables in the tavernas but still enough traffic for pleasurable people watching.



  1. September - the start of autumn - but we haven't even had a proper summer yet!!!

    1. Iwonder what your winter will be like. Last year it was really mild here

  2. I have St. Anthony for my St. Fanourio and he finds losts things for me. I call on him often and sometimes go outside the remit of just lost things and ask for general assistance.

    It is annoying when one finds one was mistaken about a renewal date of an official document. Suddenly what one has been doing without the document oblivious for months becomes a territory of fear and cannot do.

    1. I read about St Anthony in Italy. He seems to be their finder of missing things and somewhere in the north they make an apple pie with red wine on his fiesta day. Ive asked both of them at times to reveal a hiding place. Its surprising how many times these things turn up after youve asked.
      You hit the nail on the head about the documents. I was surprised I didn't get a blast from my husband. I got myself into gear pretty quickly and organised all the papers and didn't drive again till I got them

  3. The years seem to go faster every year. We lit the stove the other night. Justs logs but it took off the chill.

    1. July and August seemed to last longer this year but time marches on. Autumn is a great month . I dont want a fire just yet. Enjoy yours

  4. I've had that happen to me once, with my licence. I was horrified and, like you, raced around to get things sorted again.
    Saint Fanourio's cake sounds delicious :)

    1. Thank goodness I could get it done here. Years ago I would have had to traipse into Athens

  5. We are also very delighted that September is nearly here. Spring!!! Weather is slowly warming up, plenty to do in the garden (which for me is a pleasure), the nights are drawing out and our new grandson isn’t far away.

    1. Spring hopefully will be a very fertile season. You're waiting for another grandson????? Nooooo, what joy for you grandies snicker

  6. September to us signals the start of the busy season
    I wish you luck dealing with all the bureaucracy
    I know how frustrating that can be.

    1. Thank goodness the red tape wasnt too bad. Not half as much as there used to be!!!

  7. I think if I lived where you do, I'd have to have a calendar on the wall that showed days and dates only. Saints days would be banned; far too many of them.
    1st Sept tomorrow, and I'm already looking forward to Autumn and Winter in the UK.

    1. No, we have to have Saints days. Theyd lose a couple of hundred days of celebrations without those!!!

  8. mmm pickled fish sounds interesting, can't say I've ever tried it but I'd give it a go. Must be time for the tourists to go home and for you to have your quiet town back.
