Tuesday 12 January 2021


 Some photos from today's walk in the fresh air.

The door of the little church at the end of the line. The whitewashed piece of marble on the right I'm darn sure is/was  part of a column from the Temple to Poseidon. The ancient ruins are just up the road

A typical rural road

Obviously the first of the spring flowers

A small herd of sheep being brought in to be milked, fed and bedded

It's essential I have my phone with me so I can show the police, if I'm ever stopped, that I have the SMS for permission to walk.
Having my phone with me means I can take photos. That makes the walk a bit more interesting. I'm always on the look out for a scene or everyday, for me, feature which I might be able to show you in my blog.
I get  one view on the way and a different one on the way back. 

Small things but ones which make a difference to me.


  1. Great photos. I have Spotify on my mobile phone to listen to music on my walks if I get bored of my own company.

    1. I have music too and I used to listen if I walked on the treadmill. Somehow I don't need to when I'm outside

  2. Wow. Very early spring flowers. We haven't even got snowdrops showing yet! Still only 3C here today.

    1. I presume they're spring flowers. There are loads of them around

  3. Lucky you - spring flowers. I wish I had put some bulbs in our garden now. I love the views from around your island; you see such different thing when you walk don't you? Keep enjoying it.

    1. So far so good. The fields have loads of flowers, white and yellow. It's certainly not spring though the weather is fantastic.

  4. A lovely serene walk, and daffodils already...I'm slightly jealous :)

    1. Everything is so green and colourful at this time of the year. I love it

  5. What a lovely area to go walking in. I miss being in the country.

    1. It's quiet and so fresh out there. I'm glad I'm walking agaim

  6. Nice to walk in the country where it is peaceful and away from everyone

    1. Peaceful yes. Only chooks clucking and a rooster crowing when I passed by and those sheep bleating.

  7. One of my best memories from driving around Kos on a moped was finding those little white painted chapels in the most unexpected places. They often contained boxes of bones, with lots of incense and spent candles. Rather scruffy inside.

    1. You've mentioned the bones before. I wonder what sort they were. Hopefully not human. I've told my sis in law but she can't work it out either. There should be some charcoal, incense and a burner, an glass of oil and a wick which are used as a candle and a small bottle of oil for refill.
      Maybe a photo of the person it was erected for but normally not his bones or parts thereof

  8. Wow you have stirrings of spring and we still haven’t had a summer yet
    I’d love to see the temple of Poseidon. Maybe a blog post full of pics one day

    1. I have a post which I am still writing. Unfortunately not much is left of our temple. The next door island of Aegina has impressive remains of the temple of Afaia.
      One day!!!

  9. I love seeing the surroundings on your walk. I am amazed at the spring flowers already! I didn't realize you were still under a lockdown where you had to show documentation to be out walking. We are entering another lockdown (much like last March / April) tomorrow. -Jenn

    1. All of Greece is on lockdown though there are no cases near us. Cross fingers. At least we are still allowed out. Days are beautiful at the moment
