Saturday 17 November 2018

The Wind Doth Blow

A very short video of what happens when the fierce north winds blow across the harbour.   Hope the video plays.  I am taking a new step, from photos to videos.  

 In high winds most yachts will pull anchor and run for shelter in the curve of the bay where they will rock in choppy seas out of danger of collision with other boats and the concrete wharf.

This video was not shot during the medi-cane (as in hurri-cane) in September but a few years ago when sudden gale force winds whipped the seas, damaged half a dozen anchored boats and sunk two others.  The winds came out of nowhere, at dinner time, when most yachties were happily esconced in tavernas drinking a few kilos (not litres here) of wine.  There was not time to react, tighten ropes or splice whatever you splice on a boat.  

The following day was fine and sunny and divers went down to rescue papers and belongings from the yachts which sank.  The municipality gave them food and shelter.  Just hope they were insured.

The picturesque island of poros in Greece is perfect for cruising, says this magazine about their cover photo.

So it seems here. This photo is of our friend's little fishing boat anchored in  tranquil waters at the end of the harbour.  A perfect summer picture.

Poros harbour on a perfect winter's day.  Blue sky, deep blue sea


  1. Things can be replaced. People can’t. So the fact that they were all sitting in the cafe drinking is a great thing
    Typical Greeks. Either the day is magnificent or horrendous no middle ground lol

  2. The two boats either side didn't seem to be suffering quite as much.... Maybe he'd chosen the worst spot in port.

    1. Same happened when I was camping in France once; the wind got up and all the other tents stood as if nothing was happening and ours was ripped out of the ground into the sky.

    2. The boats parked parallel got holed where they hit the dock, the one bouncing about survived with a few scratches. There was a whole line of yachts and they all got damaged in some way, though those with crew on board held up better as lines were tightened and buffers put out along the decks

  3. wow yes that does look very stormy and scrappy. I would be with the others having a drink inside.

  4. There is something very frightening in strong winds, I would choose coffee inside too.

    1. High winds do a lot of damage and you don't know where exactly it's going to hit.

  5. Straight line winds are just as dangerous and destructive as tornadoes. I am always afraid of high winds...

  6. It played! Yikes! What winds!!!!

    I thought you made the video. Nope. ,-))))

    Seeing that, is enough to take the fun out of the thought of sailing. But then, I'm a wimp! lol.

    To look at the wild sea, is exciting. To be on it, is a whole different matter.

  7. Wow, that wind sure does look strong, thanks for sharing that video!

  8. I saw the aftermath but that video shows just how strong the winds were
