Wednesday, 21 November 2018


While the sun was still shining we actually got our act together and sorted out the garden, with a push from a friend who dug out the weeds and brought us lettuce, leek and spinach plants.  Thank you universe for friends who love to dig and plant and prune.

Picking up a pile of wood from the olive groves in preparation for winter fires

Yeh, a truck load of 'garden' rubbish gets hauled away

Here's our young Pakistani helper
He gathered a stack of 'treasures' from around the perimeter of the yard and piled it up ready for the truck to take it away

Sob, a clear back yard.  It's the first time in ten years I've seen the wall behind that grapefruit tree
Lettuces planted in neat rows
Anyone want a bag of grapefruit.  We'll try once again in the spring to graft a branch of a mandarine and orange tree onto the grapefruit.  They didn't take last time we tried

Now we've got neat rows of spinach and leeks as well and after two days of rain the lettuces have shot up and soon will be big enough to eat.


  1. It is hard to give grapefruit away here as well. Garden looking good.

    1. There is only so much marmalade you can make and no one wants that either. Such a pity. It has a huge crop every year

  2. Looks great. Nothing better than a big working bee to get stuff done

  3. Yesterday I tasted one of my Olives. I reckon I've got it right this time. Do thank Vaso for me.

  4. It looks really good now. It looks neat, tidy and ready for full production. Love the grapefruit and orange trees - does the little door behind them lead to a secret garden, or is it a storage area?

    1. Ah it would be so romantic if that little door led to a fairy ring. Unfortunately there is another truck load of rubbish in there. The next step

  5. Replies
    1. I would have half a dozen trucks emptying all the rubbishy dear husband has gathered. I hate the mess and clutter. I'm working on it, inside and out
