Monday, 5 November 2018

Early morn

Poros Harbour early on an autumn morning

I never miss a photo opportunity.  We were clambouring up narrow steps  at 7.30am to give blood for our annual tests.  The results were excellent.  Everything well into the normal range.  No blood sugar overload, no cholesterol problems.  Here everyone is a medical expert.  We don't wait for the doctor to give us a call and tell us to come down to 'discuss' the findings.  We give blood at a 'mikroviologiko' (microbiologist) clinic and next day go in and receive an envelope with the results.  Maria, our friendly blood-taker gives us a brief summary and then we go off and study the numbers ourselves and sometime we will probably take the papers to our doctor so he can see and 'tut-tut' or praise.

Coffee is the next necessity of the day. Soon the whole of Poros
knows  where we've been and there are long discussions on health and welfare which continue onto grumbles about the economy, pension cuts and the size of the fish caught recently. 

This shows the width of the strait between Poros and mainland Greece.  Photo taken from the balcony of the blood clinic

Looking the other way we can see the visiting naval vessel
The crew are mapping the coastline

The back streets up above the harbour

There is no access here for cars or bikes of any sort.  Everything must be carried up and down some quite steep steps and along the alleyways.  

A narrow passage

Steps leading down into the harbour and the cafeterias

                         At last we can drink a morning coffee


  1. It all looks lovely although I wouldn't want to be carrying my shopping up all those steps. Glad the blood results were good.

    1. I don't know how they manage with all their shopping. Just incredible and their are houses above that level with even more steps

  2. Not very far off the mainland, there!

    Congratulations on your Blood Work! I'd say, that anyone who can do the climb, to get it done, has already proved, their health!!!!

    Bet that lack of easy access, cuts down on the "Oh let's buy this!!!!" way of thinking!!! They have to really need it, to haul it all the way home. LOL


    1. First of all you have to find some thing to buy on Poros! Although groceries are the heaviest. I wouldn't drink bottled water if I lived up there for sure.

  3. Well done on the blood work
    Love the pics although I don’t know about the steps
    I don’t think I’d make it to the top lol

    1. I don't haul myself up there very often! Thank goodness after many many years the municipaltiy have finally put up handrails but doesn't help much if you're carrying heavy bags.

  4. What a different medical practise! Fancy getting your own blood tests and results without the Doctor! A bit funny really. Those streets and alley ways would do me in!

    1. Everyone is a medical expert here and discussed in depth blood numbers, blood pressures and their pills

  5. How very fortunate you are to live where you do; it's all looks stunning to me.

    1. Can't complain! Although I've still got a list of the cons and am wavering on posting it or not

  6. I agree with Cro. I feel the same.

  7. We call Maria bloody Mary!!!

    1. Poor Maria and she is the sweetest of people....

  8. That's interesting you have blood tests every year, is that an age thing? The only time we have them here is when there is something possibly wrong.
