Saturday, 22 March 2025

Reading the Grounds 1

 A teller of tales.


 Reading the dregs of a small cup of greek coffee is a fun way of ending a morning of coffee with friends. Most of us prefer a freddo (iced coffee) but now and again we order greek coffee for a special ritual

  One of my daughters, Danae, is really good at this.  Not only has she got a great imagination but she can see things we can't.  And often they come true

If she's not sure what somethings means, a fish perhaps or a flower then she consults her online oracle and all is made clear.

It's an ancient art called tasseography, or cafemanteia in Greek.

A greek coffee is served in a small cup (think espresso) and has an inch of dregs (mud) at the bottom.  To have your cup read you need to leave a little coffee or you'll just get a big black cloud.

Swirl the coffee and the dregs around and then turn it upside down and rest it on the saucer.

The end of the coffee with its dregs

Let it sit on the saucer for a few minutes so the grounds drip down and leave you a tell-tale pattern on the inside of the cup

Find an interpreter with some imagination 
Turn the cup up the right way and listen to your future

This particular coffee cup belonged to my other daughter, Elli. 
So this is what her sister says

She's going to have a few obstacles in her path.  But it'll all turn out well and she'll have success.
That's all a bit general but at least positive.
But the next prediction was
A holiday, probably by train
D could see a train and wagons
That's just what her sister needs.  She's an accountant and it's tax time.  
So I'll be keeping an eye on those prophecies and let you know.

Can you see the kiwi

A kiwi means????
Lots of visitors from Kiwi-land.

When the fortune has been told the reader gives the cup back and the other person puts her (or his) finger in the cup, makes a fingerprint in there and makes a wish.

Apparently the coffee ground reader should make a guess, using their intuition, as to whether the wish will come true or not.  We haven't done that but it sounds as though we need to have another coffee together and try it out.

More tomorrow...
With authentic Kiwis.


  1. I can see a tree!! Not sure what that says about my fortune telling skills 😏😊

    1. I can see it too now you've pointed out lol
      Trees - good luck and happiness. Because the kiwis are coming. Yeh!

  2. Replies
    1. That kiwi has been on here before and coffee reading.

  3. Definitely a kiwi (lesser spotted?) - and I see JayCee's poplar tree too.

    1. A lesser spotted eh. So our kiwi visitors this summer will be the lesser spotty kind 😅 more sporty than spotty

  4. I can certainly see the Kiwi....
    I used to have my teacup read when I went to Blackpool, just for fun of course :)

    1. That kiwi is from an old reading but it was so clear I had to put it in again

  5. We used to do this all the time when we were little. And everytime we each got the same reading. Your going to marry a dark haired man and have lots of babies.
    Indoctrination began while we were still quite young
    Yes I do see the kiwi.

    1. Good Greek parents making sure you followed the right path 😂😂

  6. 'Tasse' is French for 'cup', so that explains the name. In the UK they use Tea Leaves, but I've never had any in the bottom of my cup because we use Tea Bags.

    1. Yes, you'd need a special brew nowadays to have any tea leaves in your cup

  7. Fantastic to get a Kiwi in your cup!!

  8. I see a tall tree, a kiwi and a small copse of trees reflecting - in water, presumably. It will be interesting to see if the prophecies come true, even in part.

    1. I hope Elli has a train trip and it's not just the underground in Athens
