Sunday, 23 March 2025

Greek Coffee for Kiwis 2

 Cross her palm with silver and she will predict a long life and a tall blonde stranger. A cup of Greek coffee consists of an inch of coffee and another inch of grounds at the bottom.  If you want some fun, turn the cup upside down and my daughter, Danae,  will tell you your future

Gary and Tony
Preparing to learn their fate

We took our visiting kiwi family up to the Monastery cafe for 'coffee'. 

After their cappuccinos and cokes we ordered a Greek coffee so Danae could look into their future. 
Proprietor and friend, Meletis, brought us 4 big spoons and the four of them each sipped a couple of spoonfuls

This is the photo of the coffee cup ready for reading .
What can You see in that black mess?
Is that a dragon and over on the left  a genie with a teapot?
You'll read in a minute what Danae saw.

Sherryn and Gary having a first taste of thick grainy Greek coffee 

Danae saw a lion and a giraffe and a map of Africa.  They were obviously all going on  safari after their Greek trip .

A dragon? Sudden changes. That happens when you're travelling from the southern to the northern hemisphere. 

And she remembers seeing a koala????
Koala is not on Danae's list of greek symbols naturally but a bear is.  I know you're not supposed to call them koala bears but it's close enough.
A bear means a trip.
Those kiwi visitors do a lot of tripping around so she was right there 
Soon they'll be tripping to a Safari park in Africa.

And an octopus.
The octopus symbolises good luck and happiness.
 Good luck to have relatives on an exotic Greek island. 
Happiness guaranteed after a few ouzos and a plate or 2 of Ks traditional octopus meze.

Danae with me

So how much of that came true? 

The Octopus and ouzo!!! 


  1. There is obviously something in reading coffee.

  2. Her powers of prophesy are uncanny!

    1. Such a clever child. Maybe she'll predict a few lotto numbers for me.

  3. I saw a horse inside the bear.

    1. Amazing what pops out to different people. Everyone sees something different

  4. I think the reading gets even better when a bunch of women get together and do each other’s cups after the octopus and ouzo

    1. Loads of laughter and predictions of tall dark strangers

  5. Still waiting on the safari (does Hamilton zoo count!). All else definitely came to pass. I’m intrigued by the very definite genie and the lamp though.

    1. No safari planned for this year?? The genie will Conjure it up.
      I don't think Danae saw the genie. Certainly looks like a genie lamp to me.

  6. We had a Greek friend at College. She often came in with her little coffee pot, boiled-up some coffee, and shared it with us. It was too strong and grainy for me, but I enjoyed it. No fortunes were told.

    1. It's one of those things which I have never learnt to like. I drink it when I have to.

  7. What a great excuse for plenty of family fun and laughter!
