Thursday, 20 March 2025

NZ Butter

Good NZ butter. Not Fernleaf, not Anchor
but Herbivore. 
Yes, you heard it here, from a carnivore

Our NZ niece and nephew Julie and Craig have established an innovative business which has introduced  premium Coconut Butter to the NZ market.
You'll  find it on all supermarket shelves by now.
Last summer, sorry Jules for taking so long, they arrived on Poros lugging 40 kilos of this wonderful butter in a cooler.
And it really is great butter, even though it's vegan.  
It lowers cholesterol, fights bacteria and boosts the metabolism.
You can use it in sweets or savouries, on toast with marmite (or even Vegemite) .
It's spreadable, cookable, sauceable, meltable, made from natural coconut with only a light flavour coconut flavour.
Damn fantastic for frying shrimps. The perfect combo.

Better-butter niece and nephew with K and I at Sofia's taverna last summer.
Enjoying Sofia's fried calamari and grilled chicken 'chops' with a jug or 2 of chilled wine.

Craig with his 40 kilo cooler of Herbivore. It went from NZ to Thailand to Greece and to England. And possibly further.
They had a brief sojourn in Poros between exhibiting their butter in Asia and Europe.

Elli's linguini a lá Grec using butter they generously left for us.

And her muffins also made with herbivore butter

They were both delicious . I tried them.
 I used my own block of butter all too quickly, on steak and eggs mainly.
Herbivore and carnivore are firm friends around here. 

The herbivore team.
Jules and Craig on the left. Incredible entrepreneurs. Now they're investigating a Greek olive oil business. 
Watch this space.

It's available all over NZ, even in New World supermarket in Te Puke. 
Te Puke is the town where I grew up so I have to give it a plug. Craig and Julie live in a small settlement just outside Te Puke. Lots of extended family around here.
Te Puke is the Kiwi Fruit Capitol of the World.  Acres and acres of kiwi fruit orchards 
The best little town in the Bay (of Plenty).


  1. Bravo Te puke Linda.....Well done guys...

    1. The best little town in the Bay and the best butter in NZ. I'm not at all biased 🤣🤣

  2. Will look for it when we go to New World in the morning. I am sure I have mentioned before that the Vercoe's (Max' family) were in Te Puke (still are). The first person buried in the Te Puke Cemetery was a Vercoe. How is that for some useless information :)

    1. Vercoe is a well known Te Puke name. I went to a school with a few of them. One was in my class. Have to look up his first name.
      A pioneer Te Puke family lol

  3. Good luck to them. I hope they do well with their nutty butter!

    1. Now that's a good name!! Nutty butter. I'll remember that for future use 😁

  4. I'll have to keep an eye out next time I'm at the supermarket. Well done those two 😀

    1. It is worth trying. Don't know the price though

  5. It sounds wonderful. Good luck to them and a following wind.

  6. The muffins look good , and surely taste great like all butter muffins do.

  7. Well done to them. I wish them lots more success.

    1. They've got lots of ideas and carry them out

  8. Well done to the Kiwis - will look out for that over here. Had a rellie who had a mandarin orchard in Te Puke back in the 50.s and 60.s

    1. I bet I knew them. It was a small village back then. Everyone knew everyone.
