Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Back to the New Routine

On a warm day we sit on the balcony

and eat leftover lamb and tripe soup

Today we ate the last of the easter lamb, in a pie
Thank goodness that is over and done with

We are inside today.  It's blustering blustily

Our permit, in greek
We have to fill out one of these every time we leave the grounds
A number 2 for shopping or a number 6 to go up to the bins and throw out the rubbish.
I get most of my exercise on the treadmill or in the garden pulling weeds

We can also send an sms and ask for permission for a walk or gathering of essential supplies.  

Today was rubbish bin day
A lovely windy walk.  All the cobwebs were blown away
There are finally a few poppies out on the verges.  Not many yet.  No-one is strimming so roadsides and fields are waist high in swaying grasses and some colourful weeds

Behind that abandoned car I espied half a dozen artichokes
Someone has been picking them because there are a lot of dry stalks as well

An ice plant
Next time I go up I shall take a cutting and plant it near the nasturtiums
This plant can be invasive, they say.  I hope so.  I'll plant it on one of our little garden walls where the clover is another invader

Elderly neighbour Vaso has been hard at work
She doesn't need a strimmer.  Bent double she  pulled the knee high grasses by hand and laid them down in rows under the orange trees

On the left you can just see the patch she has cleared and this lot of grasses will be pulled and laid out when I next go up the road with the rubbish


  1. Crikey. Vaso's a hard worker!!! No wonder she is so fit.
    I would have loved a slice of that lamb pie.

    1. Vaso is just incredible. I know she clears weeds every year but she had shaved that orchard. 84 years old.

  2. Vaso is a great gardener. We live in strange times.

    1. She's one with the earth. Her lettuces are like darn shrubs

  3. Why does she dry it like that? Use it for fuel or just mulch?
    My sister (the one who lives in Cyprus) mentioned the permit system they have. Similar to the one you are using. Once a day only.
    And left over sliced cold lamb slathered with mint jelly goes between two bits of bread in our house:)

    1. I think it's mulch and compost as well. And she doesn't have to burn or get rid of it somehow

  4. Well done Vaso - it is all so neat. Lamb pie looks good.

    1. I couldn't believe how much work she had done.

  5. Vaso is a Force of Nature!!!


    1. She would shrink and die if she couldn't get out into her fields

  6. Everytime I read about Vaso she never ceases to amze me!! Now you've finished the leftovers it's time to create some more!!

    1. No more lamb!! Enough. And we didn't even cook all that much. You're darn right we need something else.

  7. We have the same forms; I simply change the date when I go out, the rest stays the same. My Artichokes are sprouting well, but it'll be a while before they are ready.

    1. I was surprised to see those artichokes still there and not overblown. The season is more or less over.

  8. Goodness, Anonymous is still going? Either Anonymous is a bot (which I am beginning to suspect) or our original theory is correct and poor Anonymous is a lonely incel :-(

  9. Nature must be loving it! All these years of trying to grow tall and set seed, and suddenly this year's crop of weeds has succeeded :)
    Mind you, I love having flowering weeds along the roadside and they make a great wildlife habitat as well.

  10. Vaso sounds like one mighty fine old lady
    After gardening I’m lucky to be able to get up and walk to bed lol
    Hopefully this is all over soon and we can get back to just being normal again
